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Sharing of ranking rules and drainage skills of WeChat public account applet video number

In the previous article 13 mainstream platforms, drainage tools and strategies, tips for quickly obtaining a large amount of traffic In China, Lao Wei shared the characteristics, drainage, precautions, and related 5118 marketing big data tools of WeChat official account, applet, and video account. In this article, we will carefully discuss how to operate the search and drainage of WeChat channels.

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Features of WeChat drainage

As of March 31, 2022, Tencent's public report showed that the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat were 1.2883 billion, up 3.8% year on year.

The number of active accounts of WeChat applet exceeded 500 million every day.

The video number continues to gain popularity among users, with a great wealth of news, knowledge and entertainment content. The number of recommended videos and the length of use have increased significantly year on year.

The monthly active users of WeChat search have exceeded 700 million. In order to provide users with more search windows, the search portal has now spread across various use scenarios.

The national status of WeChat shows that users will use WeChat search more, and the service scope of WeChat search will continue to expand.

Influencing factors of search ranking

Public account

  • Public account name: use the 5118 word digging tool to select long tail keywords, high flow words, and popular words that are often searched, and register them as public accounts. The higher the name matching, the higher the search results.
  • Fan activity: fan replies, messages, comments, likes, forwarding, reading, and article opening rate have an impact on the ranking. The higher the fan interaction rate, the easier the weight of the public account will be improved.
  • Number of original articles: original articles can greatly increase the weight of public accounts. The more original articles are marked, the greater the weight, the higher the ranking.
  • Keyword relevance: the introduction, article title, content, introduction and other contents of the public account contain keywords. The higher the relevance, the higher the platform ranking. The keywords used in the public account menu also have an impact on the ranking.


  • The more people use the applet, the more keywords are matched in the applet description, and the higher the ranking is.
  • Early launch time: small programs launched early have the highest ranking. The name of the small program is as unique as the name of the public account. Merchants who do promotions suggest registering the name as early as possible, which will also affect the ranking.

Video number

  • Keyword relevance: video number name, account introduction, video tag, video description, including keywords. The higher the relevance, the higher the ranking.
  • User interaction rate: likes, forwards, plays, likes, comments, which affect ranking.

5118 Ranking promotion tool

Through the above factors affecting the search ranking, it is found that among public accounts, applets and video accounts, "keyword relevance" has a greater impact on the ranking.

Precise mining of valuable keywords through 5118 word mining tools.

The following tools can improve our search rankings:

5118 keyword mining Find user traffic through long tail word query, and deeply understand user needs.

5118 Hot Words of the Whole Network It has more than 70 million traffic words, and finds the traffic words in the target field through industry classification, target keywords, and traffic.

5118 WeChat public account occupancy Filter the public account, whether it exists, the number of full matches, and the number of universal matches, and seize the business opportunities.

5118 WeChat applet occupation Use SEO thinking to conduct small program name occupation and drainage, so that the product can be more easily searched by users.

5118 Article originality test Quickly detect the originality of articles, make the current content an original article, and improve the inclusion rate on the whole network platform.

Ranking rules of WeChat search

The portal of WeChat search is mainly "WeChat search", and the source of search results is very rich, including more than 10 portals such as public accounts, articles, video accounts, applets, and friend circles.

These traffic portals will have different weight ranking, which affects the ranking rule of search results display.

Weight sorting: circle of friends>applet>public account>article>video number

If a traffic portal does not have the matching result of the word, the keywords of the next traffic portal will be displayed in turn.

It is suggested that multiple traffic portals work together to form a strong social e-commerce model: friend circle promotion (social networking), public account/video number drainage (content output), and small programs (services). When we find the relevant industry traffic words on 5118, we can first search WeChat to see whether there are all matching search results, or which traffic portal has not been done, seize the opportunity to seize as soon as possible.

Accurate hit of search ranking words

Long tail word mining: to find the user's needs 5118 long tail word mining In function, get inspiration.

High frequency demand extension: through 5118 High frequency demand query Function to obtain users' more detailed high-frequency requirements. Analyze traffic focus from high frequency demand.

Search for dropdown words: through the dropdown word data in the WeChat search box, find out which words have been searched heavily in recent years.

When we understand and practice the above play methods of WeChat ranking, we can arrange targeted account registration, optimize work, and bring more traffic to our products.

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Article name: "Sharing of ranking rules and drainage skills of WeChat official account applet video number"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28622.html
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