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WordPress Reading Progress Bar Indicator Plug in Worth The Read

Worth The Read Is a WordPress Reading Progress Bar Indicator Plug in Let users see how much content they have read in the current post or page, and how far they have scrolled accordingly. It is usually used on the top edge of a website page to display a reading stick.

Why is the reading progress bar displayed in WordPress

Most users only stay in your web page for a few seconds. When users scroll down to view the content, the reading progress bar adds some user interface enhancements, which implies that the user has read the article.

Some users will follow the progress bar until they finish reading the full text, which is our goal. We will try our best to retain users and extend their stay time.

However, the progress bar cannot be designed too wide and eye-catching, which will take away the eyes of users and affect the display of main content.

Worth The Read Installation Enable

In WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for "Worth The Read", install and enable it.

Worth The Read Settings

In WordPress background>word the read, first set the reading progress function.

  • Whether to display in articles, pages, home pages, and custom post types
  • Include comments or not
  • Progress bar position
  • Offset: the offset of the progress bar
  • RTL: When scrolling down the page, the progress bar scrolls in the direction
  • Fixed Opacity: Whether the progress bar opacity changes when scrolling
  • Whether non touch devices and touch devices display
  • Content is cheap
  • Debug Mode

Style: the width, foreground color, opacity, background color, comment background color, shadow, and end foreground color of the progress bar.

In addition, it provides a reading time function that can be enabled separately. Controls the position (above or below the title, or above the content), style, and whether to display on posts and/or pages. Use 200 English words as an indicator of average reading time.

You can add [wtr time] short code to place the time commitment label anywhere you want.


The Worth The Read plug-in is used to add details to web pages, which has a good user experience. In fact, there are optional and unnecessary plug-ins. Some blogs have added this function, which makes it easy and convenient for visitors to use.

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Article name: WordPress Reading Progress Bar Indicator Plug in Worth The Read
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28588.html
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