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How to quickly obtain the traffic volume of Tiaoyin blockbusters? Mining precise keywords for dithering

There is a large amount of free traffic in dithering. We can use dithering word mining tools to effectively mine a large amount of accurate free traffic. All dithering users come with demand. They find dithering works by searching for keywords, so dithering layout keywords are very important.

This article shares how to mine dithering keywords, select dithering keywords, layout dithering keywords, find dithering words with large flow, and find material content.

1. Mining key words of dithering

use 5118 Dithering keyword mining Function to help us find the desired dither flow more accurately.

Put the target keyword into 5118 dithering keyword mining to search, and mine out the popular dithering long tailed words.

Then find out all the words with high correlation to attract more traffic and use 5118 Mining related words It can mine more related words, filter and summarize them into 5118 dithering keyword mining, and extend more dithering long tail words.

2. Select key words for dithering

stay 5118 Dithering keyword mining List, check "dithering index" and "dithering video number", and judge whether the word is easy to use after comprehensive analysis.

Dithering index: dithering number has many fans, high account weight, and keywords with large index and high competition are selected; If the weight of a new number or account is not high, choose a word with low dithering index and low competition.

Number of dithering videos: judge the keyword competition situation from the number of dithering videos, click the number to view the videos released by the word in dithering, check the number of fans, the number of inverted likes, the release time and other parameters, and further analyze and judge whether the word is worth doing.

According to the different search habits of each netizen, combine and split keywords to obtain more precise keywords.

3. Key words for layout dithering

Key words are arranged for the sorted dithering words. The dithering video includes: topic, title, cover, video content, subtitles, etc. Tell the dithering works with the theme content through accurate keywords. When users search for keywords, they can also find works through our optimized keywords.

Others use the account name to attract more accurate user groups by selecting some keywords with moderate tone traffic index from the 5118 tone index and including these words in the tone name.

4. Find the words with great flow and dithering sound

get into 5118 Upsurge flow words , switch to the "Tipping Tone List" and find the words with sudden increase in traffic recently, which can be used as video themes. Reference 5118 The word of soaring traffic Seize the opportunity of soaring traffic The business opportunities are always with you To deepen understanding.

5. Find material content

After confirming the video theme, it is necessary to start collecting relevant video content to effectively improve the creation efficiency and popularity of works.

open 5118 Reverse Copywriting Topic Selection Function, input keyword analysis, select user-defined filter conditions, find relevant works published by Tiaoyin, Zhihu and Baidu, and obtain appropriate content from multiple platforms.

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Article name: "How to quickly obtain the flow of dithering blockbusters? Mining the precise keywords of dithering"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28525.html
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