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WordPress 3D Model Presentation Plug in - 3D Viewer

3D Viewer It's a WordPress 3D model display plug-in , used to display the 3D model of the product on the WordPress website. 3D Viewer can embed 3D models into WordPress web pages. It is very simple to use, and novices can also use it easily. This includes embedding any 3D files in articles, pages, widget areas, and WooCommerce product pages. It also provides a variety of display and interaction functions to improve the visitor experience.

1、 3D Viewer Plug in Features

  • WooCommerce: supports and extends WooCommerce functions. Embed the 3D model in the product page.
  • 3D Gallery: add 3D models of each product variant to the product page as a gallery to attract customers.
  • Lightweight: use a single JavaScript library to make the embedder very lightweight.
  • Multi source: support external links of 3d files, and also upload 3d model files to WordPress media library.
  • Preset: Preset settings are simple and easy to use.
  • Elementor: Perfect compatibility with elementor page builder.
  • User friendly interface: provides a simple and easy to use interface.
  • ShortCode: Use the ShortCode API to embed the model anywhere on the website.
  • Auto rotation: The auto rotation option provides a 360 degree viewing experience.
  • Touch: Model interaction with touch-screen enabled devices.
  • Zoom: zoom in and out by scrolling or touching with the mouse.
  • Delay loading: improve user experience, reduce loading time, and obtain rankings through search engines.

2、 3D Viewer Plug in Installation Enable

In WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for 3D Viewer, as shown in the figure below. Click Install and Enable.

 3D Viewer Plug in Installation

3、 3D Viewer Plug in Settings

Enter the setting page and click skip to skip the push of updates and news.

See the plug-in introduction page, and there is a teaching video to learn how to set plug-ins.

There are two types of adding, one is adding to articles, pages and other places; The second is to add it to the WooCommerce product page.

3.1 Add 3D Viewer to Articles and Pages

Add using short code (short code).

Choose a name in 3D Viewer>add new.

Upload the local 3D file in the 3D source below. Support. glb,. gltf and other 3D model files.

 3D Viewer added to articles and pages

You can also adjust the width, height, background color, movement control, zoom, loading form, display position, etc.


Copy and paste the generated Shortcode to articles, pages and other locations, and adjust the width and height according to the displayable size.

Take Gutenberg as an example, add a short code block to the article and page, paste the [3d_viewer_id="559] above, and view the effect after saving.

3.2 3D Viewer adds WooCommerce product page

WooCommerce >add new, Add a new product.

Scroll down to the Metabox of the 3D Viewer, add a 3D model or paste the model url, and publish the product.

Visit the product page to view the embedded model.

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Article name: WordPress 3D Model Presentation Plug in 3D Viewer
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28517.html
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