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How does WordPress unload redundant plug-ins and generated garbage files?

Everyone has experienced the process of installing all plug-ins from the initial stage of building a WordPress website, slowly finding suitable plug-ins in the later stage, and finally finalizing the website. But not everyone knows how to deal with unused plug-ins. Weiss Notes are intended to be shared in this article How does WordPress uninstall plug-ins And redundant junk files.

If you are a pure novice, Xiaobai, and do not know the meaning of the relevant terms, please see What is WordPress plug-in _ How to install WordPress plug-in

Old Wei contacted many new website builders and Xiaobai, and they also saw a lot of websites in the background. At the initial stage, he stayed there after installing a test. Later, even if the website was completed, he did not know how to delete it. This is the case for most people. More plug-ins will bring access pressure to websites in many ways, which is one of the reasons why some websites are stuck and slow to open.

1、 Problems caused by WordPress plug-in

  • WordPress plug-ins will have an update prompt (whether enabled or disabled), and deleting unused plug-ins will reduce the impact on the website.
  • WordPress plug-in security vulnerability. Deleting unused plug-ins will improve website security.
  • The WordPress plug-in makes the database bloated and inserts more and more data. After deletion, it greatly reduces the garbage data in the database and improves the query speed.
  • WordPress plug-ins add scripts, css, and query commands to the website, slow down the loading speed of front-end pages, and delete useless plug-ins to speed up the opening of the website.

2、 WordPress delete plug-in

There are two ways to delete plug-ins. One is to disable and then delete plug-ins in the WordPress background; Second, first disable it in the WordPress background, then ftp software connects to the plug-in directory, and manually delete the plug-in folder.

The first method is fast. Why is there a second method? Sometimes the cache will interfere with our operations, making it impossible to delete the folder directly from the website background. In this case, you need to delete the folder manually.

2.1 WordPress delete plug-in

Go to Website Background>Plug ins>Installed Plug ins, and see the list of all plug-ins.

Click Disable and then Delete to find the extra plug-ins.

 First click [Disable] for WordPress, and then click [Delete] plug-in

After deletion, please refresh the current plug-in list. If the newly deleted plug-in reappears due to "caching" at this time, you must manually delete it.

2.2 Manually Deleting Plug ins

Another advantage of manually deleting plug-ins is that when you install a plug-in, you can't enter the WordPress background, so you can use this method to "save lives".

We use ftp software or the pagoda panel to locate the/wp content/plugins directory of the website, and you will see the plug-in name directory that corresponds to the website background one by one.

When you disable the plugin or the website cannot be opened, just delete the plugin name directory here.

Remember to see that the names are consistent before deleting. Don't delete them incorrectly. I'm not afraid of deleting the wrong part of the pagoda panel. I can use it Pagoda panel mistakenly deleted website file recovery The function was retrieved.

3、 Delete WordPress plug-in database table

Deleting a database is a risky operation. Be sure to back up the database in advance.

There are also two ways to delete database tables. The first is to enter phpMyAdmin for deletion, and the second is to use WP-Optimize Use WP Optimize to delete redundant tables in the database It is relatively safe.

3.1. phpMyAdmin Delete Database Table

PhpMyAdmin is used to manage the MySQL database. The table corresponding to each plug-in will have a plug-in name, which is the plug-in feature. After entering, find the redundant table and delete it.

However, he is not friendly to novices and Xiaobai at all, and the risk is high. It would be troublesome to delete the wrong or more, so Old Wei does not recommend this method.

3.2. Use wp optimize to delete database tables

It is much easier to use this plug-in. The list of unused plug-ins has been sorted out for you through visual operation. You just need to confirm whether to delete it and click the "Remove" button.

Please refer to the above link for the specific deletion of the tutorial, which will not be repeated here.

4、 Delete extra directories

The cache plug-in will generate a cache directory in/wp content. After opening it, you can see the html file of the website page. The directory capacity is often not small.

If you no longer use cache plug-ins, please find this directory and delete it together.

5、 Summary

After the above steps of disabling, deleting, manually deleting, cleaning up the database, deleting redundant directories, etc., we need to check whether there are any problems with the front page of the website. If some plug-ins are not cleaned up, they may lead to problems such as out of shape, unable to open the page, etc., and then we need to deal with them according to the page prompts.

After the above operations, all useless plug-ins can be completely cleaned up, leaving only useful plug-ins.

In addition, we also make more choices in the use of plug-ins, and try not to use plug-ins if possible. Many plug-ins take effect in the background in real time. Every additional plug-in website will be heavier, and many plug-ins will bring heavy burden, resulting in slow loading and other problems.

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Article name: How does WordPress unload redundant plug-ins and generated garbage files
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28422.html
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