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How to use 5118 big data drainage techniques to output a large amount of original content in high frequency

Xiaohong booksellers play women's economy very well, because quite a few girls use Xiaohongshu as Baidu, and the IP verticality in Xiaohongshu is relatively high, so as long as you can find the right keywords (traffic entrance), and then continue to produce high-quality content, you don't have to worry about the source of business customers.

This article is shared and used by Wei Laowei 5118 Big Data Drainage Skills And high-frequency output of a large number of original content.

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5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic

1. Word selection skills

The premise is that keywords have strong relevance to products. What keywords you choose determine how others find you.

We should jump out of our cognitive range and use 5118 Mining related words The function can better understand the words related to the industry and products, and attract more traffic visitors.

From the massive keywords collected through the analysis of 5118 big data, we sorted out the words related to our own products. The "Export Data" function in the upper right corner was exported to the local Excel table, and then we analyzed, sorted out and mined out the strongly related words listed as big words in the industry, and then expanded them one by one to produce more long tail words and related words.

2. Subdivide the classification of traffic words

get into 5118 High frequency demand Analyze data, use intelligent analysis to help us analyze all the words related to product needs, accurately obtain classifications, and list the core needs that are highly relevant.

Multiple classifications are derived from one classification, and secondary requirements are separated from the next classification. After efficient and deep mining, the key keywords of each category can be sorted out. The following is the arrangement of words with different traffic levels.

3. Keyword layout

Put the keywords sorted out above into the title and content reasonably.

Use the title to hit users' needs and search results, put keywords at the beginning of the content, and then write original articles around the word to share experience content from the perspective of users, which is in line with users' search needs.

The keyword layout of the website is reasonable, the exposure rate is high, and if you persist in outputting content for a long time, people will find you constantly, and the ranking will be better and better.

Operated through 5118 big data tools, it is applicable to Xiaohongshu, Baidu, Tiaoyin, Zhihu, Toutiao, WeChat and other platforms. Dig out a large number of keywords, and sort out traffic topic keywords that can be used for a long time for your own operating platform.

4. Pseudo original content

Next use 5118 Intelligent original function, multiple AI models, intelligent rewriting of SEO articles , or SEO optimization with industry traffic keywords and 5118 big data In this way, a large number of high-frequency original content can be output every day to occupy the traffic highland.

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Article name: How to use 5118 big data drainage techniques to output a large amount of original content in high frequency
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28403.html
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