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How to add an email account for Hostinger

Hostinger is easy to add an email account. You only need to set it in the hPanel background. If you are a Hostinger virtual host user, the official will give you 100 email accounts for free. For foreign trade business, you can use the email with the suffix of the domain name email to highlight the company's identity, which is more conducive to deepening the trust of foreign customers.

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1、 Hostinger mailbox domain name resolution

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2、 Hostinger adds an email account

Enter the hPanel background to find the email, or Hostinger background homepage The above navigation bar can enter the email accounts column by directly clicking emails, as shown in the following figure.

 The navigation bar on the home page of the host can enter the email accounts column by directly clicking emails

When you see that the current email account has been activated, its validity period and the number of available email addresses, click the arrow to enter the next page.

As shown in the figure below, you can see the login address of the webpage email, add a new email account, view the email limit, the added email account, or forward the email to a third-party email such as qq, NetEase email, etc.

 Hostinger Email Account Operation Page

Click "add email account" to see the following page, enter the email name and password, and click "create" to create an account.

 Click "add email account" to enter the email name and password to create an account

In the future, you can log in to the email by using the web page, and then enter the email account and password on the login page. You can also set forwarding to qq email for mobile use.

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Article name: How to add an email account for Hostinger
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28392.html
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