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What is the health status of the WordPress site and what information does it provide?

WordPress Site Health Status The English name is provided in the background since version 5.2 WordPress Site Health , is a small tool for summarizing the health status of the site. It is used to monitor the operation of the website and notify the problems and parts that need to be improved. It seems that people pay little attention to this gadget (actually, they don't find it useful). Weiss Notes think that since it has its own use, today we will share some relevant knowledge.

1、 Where is the health status of WordPress site

It is placed in WordPress background>Tools>Site Health by default.

There is a shortcut on the WordPress background home page. If you can't see it, click [Display Options] in the upper right corner, and then check "Site Health".

 Where is the health of WordPress site

2、 WordPress Site Health Status Introduction

2.1. WordPress site health is a gadget in WordPress that helps webmasters monitor the operation of websites.

It consists of two parts: status and information.

Status: displays the health information and existing problems of the current website.

Information: displays server environment software version, website version, program version, plug-in version and other information.

 WordPress Site Health Status Introduction

2.2. Site Health Status

Display key information about your WordPress website configuration and items that need attention.

The site health tool will check the following two types of problems.

  • Performance: WordPress and PHP versions, SQL server, installed required and recommended PHP modules, UTF8MB4 support, scheduled events, HTTP requests, REST APIs, and loopback requests.
  • Security: activity theme and plug-in, HTTPS connection, security communication, debugging mode closing, communication with WordPress.org and background update.

This tool provides three different levels of site health status.

  • Key issues: number of key issues found. Explain how to deal with security or performance marking problems.
  • Suggested improvements: all suggestions for improving the health of the site, and provide instructions on how to solve these suggestions separately.
  • Tests passed: the number of items without problems and all items are displayed in detail.

2.3 Site health information

Displays detailed information about WordPress website configuration.

The WordPress site health tool displays information according to the following categories.

  • WordPress: version, site and user language, home page URL, site URL, permanent link structure, multi site check, etc
  • Directory and size: directory location, size, upload location and size, theme location and size, plug-in location and size, etc.
  • Enabled topics: topic name, version, author, author website, parent topic, topic function, topic directory location.
  • Plug in Enabled: Plug in name, version, and author name are enabled.
  • Media processing: name of the enabled editor, ImageMagick version number, string, resource limit, GD version, Ghostscript version.
  • Server: server architecture, Web server, PHP version, time limit, memory limit, maximum input time, maximum upload file size, maximum release size, Imagick library status,. htaccess rules, etc.
  • Database: extension, server version, client version, database user, host, name, and prefix.
  • File system permissions: whether the directory to be accessed can be written. It includes WordPress main directory, wp content directory, upload directory, plug-in directory and theme directory.

2.4. Copy the site information to the clipboard

When someone asks you what version of your website, which environment software and version you use, and you don't want to give the background login information to others, you can use buttons here to copy and paste the site information to the theme, plug-in, maintenance and optimization personnel. It is especially convenient to communicate with foreign themes and plug-in authors.

3、 Summary

Although WordPress site health status is rarely used, it can comprehensively display the current status and configuration information of our website in one page. From this point of view, we can check it regularly, and may find the problems and improvements of the website.

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Article name: What is the health status of the WordPress site and what information does it provide
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28384.html
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