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How does Kadence theme localize Google fonts? Benefits of Google font localization

Kadence Theme Localization Google Fonts The font speed is much faster. When you store network fonts in your own server, you will no longer rely on the font service provided by Google CDN. There are many benefits brought by this, which are detailed in the notes of Weiss Google font localization And how to set it up.

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1、 Benefits of Google font localization

In general, it has the following benefits:

1.1. Reducing regulatory issues

Germany punished a website for passing the IP address of a visitor to Google through Google font without authorization and without proper reasons. The website was fined for violating the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

If you don't want to be the next one, you'd better localize Google fonts to avoid this trouble.

1.2 Downloading fonts from Chrome browser

Since October 2020, Chrome browser will partition HTTP cache, causing users to re download Google fonts every time they visit the website. Even if the user browser has font cache, it will still re download from Google's cdn server.

1.3. Reduce third-party search

The fewer DNS requests in the website code, the faster the website will open.

1.4 Preload Google fonts

Kadence theme can preload Google fonts and provide better CSS properties to enhance the user experience.

1.5. Eliminate Lighthouse page speed warning

The Lighthouse evaluation results include warnings such as reducing the impact of third-party code. Although you can choose to ignore them, this is a hint from Google that we have to pay attention to.

2、 Kadence Theme Google Font Localization Settings

By installing the kadence theme, you can add the ability to host Google fonts locally.

The Kadence official said that the Kadence Pro plug-in should be enabled at the same time, but Lao Wei can actually install the Kadence theme.

In WordPress background>Appearance>Customize>General>Effect (performance performance), you can see the options of loading Google fonts locally and preloading local fonts, as shown in the following figure.

It is recommended to refresh the local font file to clear the cache after the change. If the cache plug-in is used, it is also recommended to clear the cache.

 Kadence Theme Google Font Localization Settings

Additional operation: You can enable css preload, and cancel it if the foreground page displays abnormally.

The Kadence theme is so simple to enable Google fonts, and has a preload function, which reduces the number of DNS requests on the web page and increases the speed of the website.

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Article name: How does Kadence theme localize Google fonts? Benefits of Google font localization
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28338.html
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