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How do I compress the size of a WordPress picture?

Wei Aisi's notes have shared many image compression plug-ins, such as Compress JPEG & PNG images reSmush.it EWWW Image Optimizer These are all compressed by installing plug-ins. If you don't want to add plug-ins to the website, you can also manually compress the image capacity. Although it is a bit troublesome, the effect is also very good. This article shares the image compression method used by Lao Wei himself.

At the beginning of his blog writing, Lao Wei used the Compress JPEG&PNG images plug-in to automatically compress uploaded images and existing images on the website. Later, considering saving system resources, he deleted the plug-in and began to manually optimize and compress images.

 How to compress the size of WordPress picture compression film (manual compression)?

1. Why compress pictures

The size of the image has a certain impact on the seo optimization of the website, which Lao Wei shared Kadence theme+Siteground virtual host website optimization acceleration In which it is mentioned that the image size seriously affects the website seo optimization and opening speed.

If you don't pay attention to the size of website images, no matter how good the host and paid cache plug-ins are, they can't save the slow website opening speed.

2. Picture format selection

The pictures in Weiaisi's notes are basically vector pictures, so the png format is mainly used. The size of the pictures is much smaller than the jpg format. Taking a 100kb vector image as an example, the png format can be compressed to more than 10 kb, while the jpg image can only be compressed to 20~30kb, which is a large number over the years.

You should be clear about the types of pictures used on your website. If you take photos, such as real pictures of people, landscapes, objects, etc., it is recommended to use jpg format.

Unreal images such as vector images are in png format.

Some plug-ins, Tencent Cloud cdn, AliCloud cdn, etc. all support webp format. The compressed image is smaller, and the definition is no different from the original image. If possible, it is recommended to use it.

3. Photoshop compressed pictures

Save the picture in Photoshop as a web format to compress and reduce the size of the picture.

The pictures in Weiaisi's notes are all processed in this way, which will shrink a lot.

 Photoshop compressed pictures

Note: After some jpg and jpeg images are processed in Photoshop, the size will become larger. This should be noted.

4. Tinypng compressed picture

Upload the above processed image to tinypng website and compress it again. The compression percentage and the size before and after compression will be displayed. After saving, you will get a satisfactory image.

Tinypng is the compression method of online web pages, which is the same as that mentioned at the beginning of this article Compress JPEG & PNG images Plug in modes are different. The two products are from the same company. The difference is that there is no limit on the number of images for web page compression, while the plug-in has 500 free image compression opportunities every month, and you have to pay for more than that.

Tip: tinypng can upload and compress multiple times. The more times it is uploaded, the smaller the proportion of compression is. Generally, 2-3 times it is compressed to a certain limit. It is meaningless to operate later.

5. Upload pictures

Upload the images that have been processed for many times to WordPress for use. At this time, the image compression is very small, and the difference between the image and the original image can not be seen by the naked eye. Our goal is to find a balance between the size and quality of the image.

Some people don't want to use manual compression so hard. They can use the plug-in method at the beginning of this article, and automatic compression is also OK.

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Article name: How to compress the size of WordPress pictures
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28290.html
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The copyright of the pictures belongs to their respective creators, and the picture watermark is for the purpose of preventing unscrupulous people from stealing the fruits of labor.