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5118 Batch keyword search index to improve SEO/SEM efficiency

5118 Batch query keyword index Several convenient functions have been updated, including more detailed SEO data columns, improved query performance
Special characters are open, which helps to improve the efficiency of SEO.

For example, if we want to know the search volume of a word, it is very convenient to explore the trend of traffic through the search engine. When there are 100 words to query in batches, the workload suddenly increases a hundredfold. Obviously, manual query no longer has advantages, 5118 Batch index check The function is to reduce the working time of SEO practitioners and improve work efficiency.

 5118 Batch keyword search index to improve SEO/SEM efficiency

1. SEO Data Column Upgrade

The updated 5118 batch query keyword index data column adds many valuable parameters 5118 Long tail word mining function The data columns of are consistent, so you can analyze them directly above.

2. The difference between 5118 batch index search and 5118 long tailed word mining

Click to view 5118 long tail word mining Collect and sort out relevant search results on the network from a word, and only one keyword can be queried at a time.

Click to view 5118 Batch index check You can simultaneously query the index, search volume, collection volume and other valuable data of multiple keywords in batches from major search engines.

Therefore, when multiple keywords need to be queried at the same time, using 5118 batch index query can greatly improve the work efficiency.

3. 5118 Batch check index after upgrading

The data column displays:

Keywords, volume included, bidding company, number of long tail words, traffic index, mobile index, 360 index, PC daily retrieval volume, mobile daily retrieval volume, intensity of bidding competition, bidding click price, headline index, dithering index.

Click the corresponding "keyword" and "number of long tail words" to view the details of long tail word mining.

Click "Bidding Company" to view which companies do bidding promotion with this keyword and bidding details.

The "traffic index" and "mobility index" check the age group and the proportion of men and women who pay more attention to the word.

"Auction click price" view traffic characteristics, understand which period has the highest search volume, and judge when the launch is more valuable.

Click the relevant index, search volume and competition intensity to understand the historical trend of SEO traffic and SEM price.

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5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic

4. Query performance improvement

After the 5118 batch index query function is upgraded, the query speed is 3.5 times faster than before, and the analysis data can be obtained more quickly.

5. Special characters open

5118 Batch index query supports entering keywords to query special characters, such as (+–.).

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Article name: 5118 Batch Search Keyword Index to Improve SEO/SEM Work Efficiency
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28220.html
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