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How to select regions and operating systems for Windows VPS

In recent years, the domestic network supervision requirements have become more and more strict, and various strange regulations have seriously affected the efficiency of webmasters. Since the domestic space is not good either, many webmasters have gone to foreign computer rooms to buy space in recent years. Let's talk about it today How to select regions and operating systems for Windows VPS


Of course, the choice of region is still based on the needs of the website audience. If we do foreign trade website for foreign customers, we still choose American VPS Right, so that visitors all over the world can quickly open our website. However, most of the overseas systems are Linux systems, and there are few options for windows.

If you just want to use it to practice and learn to build a website, Weiaisi Blog also suggests you use overseas virtual hosts and vps, which are cheap and sufficient. The Internet in the United States is the most developed in the world. There are many computer rooms and VPS vendors, so the price is naturally very cheap. The cheapest configuration, 512M of memory, has a bandwidth of hundreds of megabytes, and can be won at less than $5 a month, which is one of the reasons why many domestic webmasters leave. Looking back at the domestic VPS represented by Alibaba Cloud, you can only buy a VPS with 1M bandwidth and 512M memory for about RMB 60. In contrast, Alibaba Cloud's space configuration is like a joke.

Of course, if it is a formal Chinese website, after it becomes bigger and stronger, the blogger suggests that it should be put in China. The big deal is that the website needs to wait about 20 working days for filing before starting to build a website. There are many Windows systems in China, which are easier to use and more expensive than those overseas.

There are also many cost-effective computer rooms to choose from around China, such as Japan VPS The Korean VPS and Hong Kong VPS are also very popular among Chinese people because of their close physical distance and faster opening speed than the American VPS.

They didn't buy a server Click me to get it The 1000 yuan voucher can be deducted from 50 yuan at the time of purchase. Alibaba Cloud servers are among the best in terms of stability and speed in China. This Apsara Cloud service system is directly applied to Taobao Tmall and has a strong carrying capacity.

As for system selection, Windows vps is nothing more than the difference between 32-bit and 64 bit systems. The blogger recommends that you give priority to 32-bit Windows. If you run the same program, 32-bit occupies less memory, supports many third-party programs, and has good compatibility. Linux VPS In general, CentOS5 or 6 are the server systems commonly used by people, which are relatively stable and reliable.

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Article name: How to Select Regions and Operating Systems for Windows VPS
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/281.html
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