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Two ways to create a private WordPress website that only you can access

Most WordPress websites are used to display products, share experience and knowledge, and give you access to them. In fact, it is sometimes used to write personal diaries, online photo albums, and store some materials and documents that do not want to be disclosed. Wei Aisi's notes teach you two ways to quickly build a Private WordPress website

1. Introduction to My Private Site Plug in

1.1、 My Private Site plug-in Install Enable

The first method is to encrypt the WordPress website with plug-ins. After searching and comparing WordPress plug-ins for a long time, it is found that the My Private Site plug-in is used in a large number.

In the WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search My Private Site, install and enable it.

 My Private Site Plug in Installation Enable

1.2 My Private Site plug-in function

  • After using the plug-in, website visitors are required to log in before viewing the website content. The only thing that people who do not log in (including search engines) can see is the WordPress login page or the page you specify.
  • Visitors to the website should register on the WordPress website.
  • You can also set the specific page they can see after logging in.

1.3 My Private Site Settings

Click My Private Site on the left side of the WordPress background to enter, click site privacy, and check enable login privacy to enable the private login function.

When you visit the website without logging in, you will see the WordPress login page.

In this way, users who are not logged in can not access and view the website content.

1.4 Select destination landing page

Which page do you want users to redirect to after successfully logging in.

 My Private Site Select Destination Landing Page

Other functions are not available, so I will not introduce them. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

There are many similar plug-ins, but none of them mentioned that the installation quantity is large. Just choose one at random.

If you want to visit your family and colleagues, go to WordPress background>Users, add new users, tell them their account passwords, and access them after logging in.

2. Pagoda panel setting private website login

Enter the pagoda panel, click the domain name to set private login in [Website], and click [Website Directory] to open password access.

Enter "Authorized Account", "Access Password" and "Duplicate Password". The account number and password can be numbers, letters or combinations, and it is no problem if they are identical.

 Pagoda panel setting private website login

At this time, when you open the website, you will be asked to enter the correct account password to enter.

 Pagoda panel setting private website login

3. Summary

The website can be encrypted regardless of the private plug-in or the private access set on the pagoda panel, and can only be accessed when the account password is known, effectively protecting personal privacy.

You can use only one method to set private access, or both methods to achieve double encryption.

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Article name: Two Ways to Create a Private WordPress Website Only You Can Access
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28063.html
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