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Astra theme demo demo station template Electrician electrician

Electrician yes Astra theme demo demo station One of the free templates is the website of the company that provides electrician services. Free use by Astra theme. This theme belongs to the display nature of B2B/B2C, and there is no online transaction, so the layout structure is relatively simple.

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1. Deploy Electronic electrician demo demonstration station

To successfully deploy this template, you must first install: Astra Theme Starter Templates plug-in unit.

Astra provides free installation and use.

Then you can import and use the demo demo station.

Tutorial, please move to How to use the Starter Templates plug-in to import a full site for free

The Electrician electrician template can be seen at the bottom of the demo page of the Astra template, as shown in the following figure.

 Astra theme deployment Electronic electrician demo demonstration station

2. Electric Demo Demo Demo Demo Station

Go to WordPress Background>Page, let's open all the pages at once and start learning.

First, look at the header. It is a typical astra theme. In WordPress>Appearance>Customize>Header Generator, click to add the desired site title&logo, and then add the main menu and button on the right.

The main menu is added in the WordPress>Appearance>menu.

The menu comes from the added home, about us, services, FAQ, and contact pages.

 Header Design of Electrician Demo Demo Demonstration Station

The big blue banner image on the home page is the background image of the section, which covers the blue background. The effect is obtained by adjusting the transparency.

Because the picture is very large, adjust the inner margin to bring the middle content together.

The content part is the title, text editor and button, and the right side is the form generated by WPForms Lite, which is called with short code.

A list of icons is used below.

The horizontal three service modules still use background pictures+background coverage to adjust transparency.

The following icon+text introduction adds the inner section design to the section.

The design of the whole home page is very simple, and the main form of expression is title, text, buttons, icons and other common elements. We have also analyzed several official default demo demo stations of astra. Foreigners have a simple habit of designing web pages, and seldom use the popular broadcast effects and moving special effects.

The about us page uses label elements.

The FAQ page uses accordion elements.

Astra footer generator adds several widgets to enrich the content at the bottom of the page.

Header and footer usage Astra Theme Header Generator and Footer Generator Novice and Xiaobai can also design easily.

In addition, please learn more about the layout of the demo demo station, the location of pictures, text, buttons, the use of color, and the layout of the outer margin, inner margin, and width adjustment elements.

The advantage of foreigners doing this is that the page takes up less resources, and it also has rich content and changes. It is not too simple and worth learning.

3. Summary

Electric electrician demo station uses astra theme+ Elementor Plug in design can be completed, and the overall style is simple and not simple. No product has been released, which is suitable for service industries.

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Article name: Electrician Electrician for Template of Astra Theme Demo Demo Station
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27977.html
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