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How can I use the Avada Performance Wizard to optimize website performance?

Avada Performance Wizard Will guide and optimize Avada website performance step by step. Avada speed has always been a problem criticized by most users, and the Avada Performance Wizard has also effectively alleviated website performance and speed problems to a certain extent.

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1. Avada Performance Wizard

This function can be found in WordPress background>Avada>Performance or Avada Dashboard's maintenance>performance wizard.

As shown in the figure below, click let's start to start.

The performance wizard is suitable for operation before the website goes online, because the website functions have been finalized at this time and will not be changed.

 Where is the Avada Performance Wizard

The avada performance wizard is divided into several steps, including features, icons, fonts, elements, and optimization.

You can disable any unused avada functions in the feature.

How do you know if you have used a function?

Click the "Find Recommendation" button in the figure below, and the system will automatically analyze which function is used, so that you can easily turn off unused functions.

If you disable the function you are using, it will cause this function to fail to work properly in the foreground.

 Avada Performance Wizard Optimization Features

Click "Save Modification" and "Apply All" after confirmation.

Continue to the next step.

  • The same operation applies to Avada icon and Avada font typesetting. Refer to the page prompts for specific settings.
  • Elements>Avada Elements Disable unused design, layout, and form elements. When disabled, the element is not loaded and is not available in the builder. After clicking the Find Recommendation button, the selected design elements are all used. Save the changes.
  • Optimization>Avada optimization, click the Find Recommendation button, and the system automatically sets the image optimization quality and size. It is recommended to select avada for image delay loading. If you use the cache plug-in, you should disable delay loading in the plug-in.
  • Enabling the video player is only applicable to YouTube and Vimeo elements. If you use these two elements, it is recommended to open them.
  • JS optimization: It is recommended to disable the jQuery migration script unless a third-party plug-in needs to be enabled. It is recommended to enable the js compiler to compile js into a single file.
  • Css optimization: it is recommended to close the loading of style sheets in the footer. Asynchronously loading media file query is recommended to close, so that the loading speed is faster. CSS compilation method selection file. It is recommended to enable merging third-party CSS files.
  • Advanced optimization: It is recommended to enable jQuery in the footer, and close it if there is a problem with the front page. It is recommended to enable key css.

Click Finish Wizard and wait for avada to automatically clear the cache.

2. Summary

On the whole, the Avada performance wizard is a fool. Just click the "Find Recommendations" button in each step to see the recommended settings. Just do the same.

After optimization, the loading content of the webpage is reduced, and the speed of the whole website is improved.

Avada Theme It is the WordPress theme with the largest sales volume in the theme forest. It has powerful functions. If you want to build a foreign trade website, you can choose this theme.

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Article name: How to use the Avada Performance Wizard to optimize website performance
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27866.html
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