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How does WordPress Gutenberg add videos?

Gutenberg Add Video There are two ways. One is to upload the video directly to the WordPress media library and play it using server traffic. The second is to call the video reference address of a third-party video website to play.

1. Create a new article/page in the background of WordPress, click Add Video in the block, and insert video for the article content.

 Gutenberg Add Video

2. As shown in the figure above, click the upload button to send the video to the server for visitors to play. However, this will consume a lot of server resources and traffic, and domestic websites are not allowed to play online videos (lack of qualification).

Or click "From URL plug-in" to paste the video playing URL of the third-party video website. This will not occupy the server bandwidth. One small problem is that almost all videos will have embedded advertisements.

3. Also refer to Several ways to embed YouTube video in WordPress website , applicable when the foreign trade website or website is not on the server in mainland China.

For more information, see Gutenberg Editor

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Article name: How to add videos to WordPress Gutenberg
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27819.html
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