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What are the registration methods and payment methods of Hostinger?

Hostinger registration There are two ways: Chinese station and English station (commonly used by most people). In China, generally choose the Chinese page of host to register. Because the registration method of the Chinese page is relatively friendly to domestic netizens, and it supports Alipay payment, which is very convenient. If you have paypal, you can also use it.

1. Hostinger Chinese page registration

From the perspective of language, Lao Wei suggested that China log in and register from the Hostinger Chinese page.

Click to enter immediately Hostinger Virtual Host Page , as shown in the figure below, click the language from the upper left corner, select Chinese, and the process of purchasing and setting Chinese is very convenient for China.

 Click on the language in the upper left corner of the Hostinger page, and select Chinese as shown in the figure below, so that most pages will display Chinese, which is too convenient for us

The payment methods on the Hostinger Chinese page include foreign currency credit card, paypal, Alipay, UnionPay card, etc.

 Hoster payment method: foreign currency credit card, paypal, Alipay, unionpay, coingate

2. Hostinger English page registration

Click to enter immediately Hostinger Virtual Host Page The default entry is the English page. You can directly select the Business Shared Hosting package to start the purchase and payment. 48 months is the most cost-effective time.

On the payment page, you can use Facebook, Github, Google, email and other methods to register.

Payment methods include: foreign currency credit card paypal、google pay、 Alipay, etc.

 Hostinger English page registration

3. Hostinger buy Chinese page or English page

For this problem, we mainly focus on which page the actual payment is cheap.

For example, we can record the amount of payment from the Chinese page to the last step without paying. Then enter the payment page from the English page, convert the payment amount (US dollars) with the exchange rate of the day, and after comparing the two, you will know which one to choose.

For users who do not know how to register, see Hostinger Virtual Host Purchase and Installation Setup Tutorial

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Article name: What are the registration methods and payment methods of Hostinger
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27748.html
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