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Pagoda panel one button deployment of Bole hair card V3 version

Bole hair card V3 version It has the functions of automatic card issuing, charging and downloading commodities, and has the membership center and background center. Provide a safe, stable, efficient and free personal card issuing virtual mall system. One button deployment of Bole hair card is built in the pagoda panel The V3 function is convenient for quick deployment and use.

1. Deploy pagoda panel

Deploy pagoda panels on ECS.

Recommended Alibaba Cloud Tencent ECS , representative of domestic cloud servers, with stable performance, fast speed and high security.

The pagoda panel carries the basic environment software for website operation, which is very convenient for visual operation.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

2. One click deployment of Bole hair card on the pagoda panel

Search "Bole Hair Card" in the pagoda background>"Software Store", and click one button deployment on the right side of the program line.

 Search "Bole Hair Card" in the pagoda background>"Software Store", and click one button deployment on the right side of the program line.

After entering the domain name, other contents will be automatically generated by the system.

3. Log in to the card issuing page of Bole

After installation, the installation address and background login information will be automatically given.

Background administrator account admin, password 123456

After login, you can set background parameters according to your needs.

4. Summary

The installation of the Bole card sending system is too simple. Other similar products One click deployment of ZFAKA card issuing system on the pagoda panel If you are interested, you can go to study and compare.

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Article name: Pagoda Panel One click Deployment of Bole Hair Card V3
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27744.html
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