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How to use Kadence wireframe blocks

Kadence wireframe Also called Kadence wireframe block It is an efficient website building tool provided by Kadence theme for users. It integrates many common functions and packages them into independent modules, which can be called by one click when users use it. And this block tool is provided for free.

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1. What is wireframe and wireframe block

What is wireframe?

Wireframe is a sketch drawn during design.

What is a wireframe block?

Kadence wireframe is a set of WordPress blocks that provide a pre built structure to quickly build site content.

Let's give an example. For example, we need to add FAQs to the page. Generally, the outer frame is drawn first and divided into several lines and columns. Whether to put pictures, where to put them, where to put text, where to put titles, etc., all need to be added one by one. With kadence wireframe, you can simply import FAQ wireframe blocks from the Wireframe Block tab.

Kadence wireframe helps you solve the problem of structural framework, and you can focus on optimizing content.

Common web page components in the kadence wireframe include: content, promotion, card, price list, footer, gallery, folder, testimonial, countdown, form, etc.

2. Who can use wireframe blocks

Wireframe blocks are free for anyone to use.

Free Kadence Blocks users can access it by subscribing to mailing lists. Find a subscription pop-up window in the Wireframe tab of the design library to obtain free access.

and Kadence Member You will see a new tab in the Design Library with the latest Kadence Blocks Pro updates.

 Free Kadence Blocks users can access it by subscribing to mailing lists. Find a subscription pop-up window in the Wireframe tab of the design library to obtain free access.

3. Introduction to Kadence wireframe block

When creating a new article page or page, click the Design Library tab above the content area.

The Wireframe tab is displayed by default.

At present, there are dozens of free wireframe blocks. The Kadence Wireframe library supports selecting wireframes by category.

As shown in the figure below, you can see the list of all available wireframes. On the left, you can sort the wireframes, click the wireframes you want to import into the page, and then replace the text and pictures. Isn't that cool!

 See the list of all available wireframes. On the left side of the wireframe category, you can click to import your favorite wireframes into the page, and then replace the text and pictures. Isn't it cool

Wireframe block classification includes:

  • Content wireframe block: layout rich areas of the site, such as FAQs, stylized bulleted lists, and e-mail registration forms.
  • Promotion wireframe block: suitable for coupon codes and special promotions.
  • Price list wireframe block: display commodity specifications and prices to visitors in an intuitive form.
  • Footer wireframe block: easily plan the site footer area
  • Card wireframe block: simple card.
  • Recommended wireframe block: user testimonials and thanks can deepen the impression of visitors.
  • Countdown wireframe block: increase the sense of urgency and provide multiple options for wireframe countdown timer.
  • Gallery wireframe block: display images, illustrations, etc.
  • Folder wireframe block: display of multiple pictures.
  • Form wireframe block: forms are used to promote visitors to submit inquiries and further improve the probability of orders.

4. Where can wireframe blocks be used?

Here are 10 ways to use wireframe elements provided in Kadence Block plug-in design library.

Home page: The wireframe block can quickly build a "sketch" of the new home page design. With just a few clicks, you can import ready-made cards, recommendation letters, FAQs, forms, footers and other ultra multi framework frameworks. Next, you can manually replace text and pictures.

Product or service page: Online sales of products or services often provide a special page to display the functions and advantages of products or services, which can increase sales and generate more potential customers. Wireframe block can help you add more functions: sales proposition, CTA, pricing table, FAQ, etc.

Potential customer landing page: collect valuable user information that can be used for marketing. Add appropriate wireframe blocks to the landing page, such as user process and CTA to improve conversion rate.

Sales and discount pages: online e-commerce websites can highlight seasonal sales or coupons, which can greatly improve the conversion rate. The wireframe block adds pages with important information, such as the end time of the sale, the contents of the quotation, and how to purchase. Includes elements of the countdown timer and pricing grid, which are key elements of such landing pages.

Long content pages: Long content pages often have design focus to maintain the interaction between content and visitors. You can add a wireframe block after the long content to achieve this goal. Wireframe content elements such as directories, pull or block quotes, embedded images, highlighted text, and so on.

Product page: It is a page showing the company's products. For example, the product page of a foreign trade factory includes clear photos of all exported products, providing brief descriptions, specifications, parameters and dimensions. The wireframe block can easily display these photos and descriptions, and the additional CTA section guides visitors to interact.

Contact page: The contact page helps to transform potential customers. A total of contact forms, emails, company names, factory addresses, phone numbers, Google Maps, etc. are provided. You can also include links to social media accounts.

FAQ page: well-designed FAQ page can greatly reduce customer questions and save everyone's time and energy. FAQ pages containing keywords can also play a role in page SEO optimization. The Wireframe of Kadence Blocks plug-in provides accordion style FAQ elements, which are both beautiful and easy to use.

Team page: In order to make the website more personalized, we can add an eye-catching team page to the website of the foreign trade factory. In addition to adding the employee's avatar, the short employee file contains detailed name, position, years of work, major achievements and awards, as well as some personal interests. Deepen visitors' understanding of the company.

About page: add wireframe blocks such as photos, facts, recommendations, etc.

Kadence wireframe wireframe block is based on Gutenberg editor and provides a way to quickly build web resources with one click. It saves a lot of design time for website builders. If you use Kadence Theme Website Lao Wei recommends using kadence wireframe blocks.

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Article name: How to Use Kadence Wireframe Blocks
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27714.html
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