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5118 Massive word filter One click filtering of violation sensitive words

5118 Massive word filter It can effectively filter out violation sensitive words and obtain legal and compliance keywords. When we do SEO optimization work, the first thing we need to do is to exclude the massive keyword data, and quickly filter from the massive keyword data. The 5118 massive word filter can help us to save time and effort to complete this part of the work.

 5118 Massive word filter One click filtering of violation sensitive words

1. 5118 Reject prohibited words

5118 is newly launched in addition to the content violation word detection tool 5118 Reject prohibited words Function.

When we use the 5118 keyword tool to mine a large number of keywords, we must first filter and filter the classified keywords. There are two ways to achieve this.

stay 5118 long tail word mining Function page, filter and extract.

stay 5118 Reject prohibited words The page uses 5118 packaged forbidden word data, and after clicking the filter, the system will automatically remove all the forbidden words in the existing forbidden word package.

stay 5118 Massive word filtering Function page to import downloaded keyword data.

After importing, the system automatically filters. When the button on the left turns green, the filtering succeeds. The filtered forbidden keywords can be viewed in "Filtered Data".

If it is found that some special words are not filtered out, select "Reject keywords" and manually enter unwanted words, the system will automatically reject the data containing the words again. Or use the filtering methods of "replace keywords" and "include word removal".

About how to use 5118 Massive word filter Some functions of can be reviewed 5118 Massive word filter filters millions of SEO traffic words at high speed

2. Add common filter package

5118 The keyword elimination page adds several common filtering data packages, which can effectively improve the work efficiency.

  • Punctuation: invalid character library, such as "*, #, @", etc.
  • Region: Top 100 common filter regions.
  • Company/enterprise/group: such as "insurance company, catering enterprise, construction group", etc.
  • After checking, these words will be deleted directly when filtering. At this time, the filtered data will be more concise.
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5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic

3. Optimize user experience

5118 Massive word filter Further optimized the user experience. When a certain operation step is re filtered, the system will automatically synchronize the changed data of the upper layer, without repeating manual confirmation.

Yes 5118 Massive word filter This one click cleaning tool can not only improve work efficiency, but also effectively avoid violations, so that the filtered essence of long tail words can create higher value for us.

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Article name: 5118 Massive Word Filter One click Filtering of Violation Sensitive Words
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27710.html
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