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WordPress Simple High end Enterprise Training Education Online Learning Topic Slearn

Slearn It is a simple and high-end online learning theme for enterprise training and education, which can quickly create and sell exquisite online learning courses. Integrating LearnPress online education, WooCommerce Mall, WP Events Manager event management, weDocs document management and many other WordPress plug-ins, we have developed supporting courses, malls, activities, works, videos, services, teams, courses, bookings and other extension functions, providing a one-stop solution for online education websites.

Installation environment requirements PHP 7.3~7.4 and MySQL 5.5~5.6 are recommended;
Pseudo static (fixed link), using Pagoda panel one key setting pseudo static Linux system is recommended for better use experience;
For the sake of website security, stability and speed, Lao Wei recommends choosing Pagoda panel Build a website environment AliCloud server Tencent ECS Deployment theme;
The entry-level host is configured with 1 core 2G memory and 1 M bandwidth. Lao Wei suggested selecting 2 core 4G memory and 1 M bandwidth;
The theme can only be activated when it is accessible through the internet, and the local/intranet server may not be able to activate the authorization;

1. Slearn theme features

The Slearn theme makes the seven modules of courses, shopping malls, activities, works, videos, services, teams and courses into plug-ins and deploys them to the website. These plug-ins are independent. Users can purchase different extension plug-ins according to their needs, saving money and meeting business needs.

Note: courses, shopping malls, activities, works, videos, services, teams, course packaging, booking extensions and themes are sold separately. Please purchase themes or plug-ins separately as needed.

2. Slearn theme function

  • Online courses, shopping malls, activities, works, videos, services, teams, course packaging, booking expansion, themes and other functions
  • More features Click to view the theme page

3. Preview of Slearn theme

4. Summary

The Slearn theme looks beautiful and grand. Even if it is bought without online education, it is good to be an enterprise website.

In addition, pay attention to the division Online courses, shopping malls, activities, works, videos, services, teams, course packaging, booking expansion, themes and other functions Some of the functions are extended through the LearnPress plug-in, WooCommerce plug-in, and WP Events Manager plug-in. You can purchase the corresponding plug-ins provided by the theme official when you need to implement any function.

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Article name: WordPress Simple High end Enterprise Training Education Online Learning Topic Slearn
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27569.html
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