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Where is the root directory of the Hostinger virtual host website and how to edit files

Hostinger virtual host website root directory You can find it in the hPanel panel. This directory stores all the files of the website. All the additions, deletions, and modifications to the website files are completed here.

1、 Click Login Now Hostinger account, from Hosting>your domain name, click manage on the right to enter.

Please see how to enter Hostinger virtual host management function explained in detail

Pull down to find the File Manager and click it.

 Click to log in to the Hostinger account now. From Hosting>your domain name, click manage on the right to enter.

2. Click public_html or double-click the directory with the same name on the right to enter the root directory of the website.

 Click public_html or double-click the directory with the same name on the right to enter the root directory of the website.

3. Now you can see all the directories and files of the WordPress root directory in the right area.

 See all directories and files of WordPress root directory in the right area

Double click to enter the directory or open the file for editing.

 Double click to enter directory or open file for editing

Right click the file/directory to see many commands such as open, download, rename, move, copy, edit, permission, compress, delete, etc.

 Right click the file/directory to see many commands such as open, download, rename, move, copy, edit, permission, compress, delete, etc.

The above is the location of the root directory of the Hostinger virtual host website and how to edit files. This hPanel is very easy to use. It is simple in style but has all the functions it should have. It is not simple at all, but very powerful.

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Article name: Where is the root directory of the Hostinger virtual host website and how to edit files
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27555.html
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