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Does the WordPress website need to deploy security plug-ins?

See the big guys discussing whether to deploy WordPress website security plug-in , such as Wordfence Security All In One WP Security & Firewall Jetpack SiteGround Security The purpose of these security plug-ins is to improve the security and firewall of the WordPress website. Today, Weiss will take notes to talk about his views.

 Does the WordPress website need to deploy security plug-ins?

1. The above security plug-ins have certain conditions for use.

Wordence Security, All In One WP Security&Firewall are free by default, and advanced versions (paid) are also available.

These two plug-ins are widely installed on the WordPress website, and the free version has comprehensive functions.

Jetpack is a paid plug-in, and its security only involves a small part.

SiteGround Security plug-in: It is developed by SiteGround and can only be used on SiteGround hosts. Non SiteGround hosts cannot be used. The features are quite comprehensive.

To sum up, we can use Wordence Security and All In One WP Security&Firewall plug-ins on any virtual host or server.

2. The above two plug-ins have comprehensive functions, including file permissions, backups, bans, firewalls, and so on, and they are really easy to use.

3. The disadvantage of these two plug-ins is that they will occupy some system resources. After installation, you will feel that the WordPress website is not running as fast as before.

4. If you use the server, vps, etc., you can be free Install and deploy firewall , which can resist most scanning and attacks.

The virtual host cannot deploy a firewall. You can install security plug-ins to defend against attacks. Of course, if you confirm that your theme, plug-in, and file are genuine and not cracked, you can also use no security plug-in.

5. Some friends tried to save money by downloading and using cracking themes and plug-ins everywhere, which led to websites being hacked, trojans, black chains, and junk links being implanted, which made them unable to open.

Cracking is generally used in the testing and learning stages. It is safer to officially build a website or purchase a genuine version. Foreign trade websites help us make money, and the legitimate version is the guarantee of security and new functions.

If you are a novice and don't know how to ensure the security of the WordPress website, you can try to use security plug-ins. At least you can resist most attacks during the period when you haven't become a god.

6. Some functions of these two security plug-ins overlap with those of some plug-ins. If you use the paid firewall+WordPress optimization plug-in of the pagoda panel, you can consider not using the security plug-in.

7. To sum up, if you want your WordPress website to be more secure, please follow the following steps:

  • The password setting is a bit more complicated, with mixed uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols and more than 16 digits;
  • The user name should not be admin, but a more complex or email address;
  • WordPress programs always use the latest version, and there are often some security updates;
  • The theme and plug-in are genuine and continuously updated;
  • Use of domestic websites AliCloud cdn Tencent Cloud CDN , used by foreign trade independent website cloudflare cdn It is free to use and has some basic protection functions. It can also speed up the opening of the website and get more at one stroke;
  • Xiaobai suggests deploying a security plug-in.

If you can do the above, the security of WordPress website will not encounter problems.

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Article name: Does the WordPress website need to deploy security plug-ins
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27485.html
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