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Lightweight application server helps students develop language online game intranet penetration

The lightweight application server is suitable for students to learn development languages, online games, intranet penetration and other purposes. The high cost of ECS is a burden for poor students, while lightweight application servers are cheap and have sufficient performance, so students choose lightweight application servers for lightweight business use.

1. Domestic lightweight application server discount

Click to purchase Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server now

Click to purchase Tencent Cloud lightweight application server now

The above two are domestic lightweight application servers, whose speed, stability and security are guaranteed.

2. What can students do with lightweight application servers

Build the school's internal community website, personal blog, tool web page (for self use), geek navigation website, etc. Through the slow toss and learning of the above operations, gradually extend from building websites to learning front-end knowledge, develop with React, and do back-end api interfaces. Through self-learning and hands-on practice, I learned a lot of knowledge.

  • Use the lightweight application server to configure the web version of Jupyter to learn about Python language, firewall, and network security group.
  • Build aria 2c web page visualization service air ng with httpd.
  • Build private online disks such as Nextcloud and owncloud to store a large amount of data for students.
  • I also explored and learned Docker technology, php and other languages.

Play famine games online with friends, use lightweight application servers to build famine servers, and two people play big pictures without pressure. After deploying the FRP intranet penetration tool, we used our own computer to open the server and play with our friends, which solved the problem of local physical server latency.

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server activity page

Use the lightweight application server+nps intranet penetration tool. From now on, the computer room will no longer need to carry a laptop in class. The configuration with large bandwidth has the same access speed as the local computer.

The lightweight application server now automatically adds resolution records (the domain name and the server are in the same business) when the console binds the domain name. There is no need to add them manually, but the virtual host and ECS cannot.

3. Features of lightweight application server

High cost performance ratio, students can have their own high configuration ECS (2-core 2G memory 30M peak bandwidth) for only a few meals a month.

The personal webmaster chooses the lightweight application server in Hong Kong, China without filing, which is great!

The speed of accessing nodes in Hong Kong is also very fast, and the large bandwidth is much larger than the default 1M bandwidth of the small water pipe of domestic ECS. No matter the high-definition large picture is displayed or the intranet penetration is not stuck.

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Article name: Lightweight Application Server Helps Students Develop Language Online Game Intranet Penetration
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27418.html
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