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WordPress website blocks country access plug-in IP2Location Country Blocker

IP2Location Country Blocker It is a WordPress plug-in that prevents unnecessary traffic from accessing the front end or back end of the website according to the country or proxy server. Improve website security and prevent users from being viewed by blocking users in specified regions.

1. IP2Location Country Blocker Installation Enable

In WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for IP2Location Country Blocker, install and enable it

 Entry Blocker Installation Enable

2. IP2Location Country Blocker Usage

  • Block the visit of other countries.
  • Access is blocked by countries, such as the EU, Asia Pacific and other regions.
  • Block anonymous proxy access.
  • Block access based on IP range.
  • Search engine crawlers (such as Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.) are whitelisted and SEO friendly.
  • Support IPv4 and IPv6.
  • The default is 403 error (Permission Denied) display
  • Customize 403 pages.
  • If someone tries to access the management background, send an email notification.
  • Statistical report of blocking flow.

3. Use of IP2Location Country Blocker

If any cache plug-in is enabled, the intercepting plug-in will become invalid.

Register an account, register an IP2Location LITE account, and download the token. Enable the IP2Location BIN database to work. Set the database.

Select Database: select the required database. Currently, three databases are available: IP2Location LITE, IP2Proxy LITE,ASN LITE。

Unzip the downloaded BIN file and upload it to the website wp content/uploads/ip2location location.

Now you can start blocking visitors with IP2Location Country Blocker.

Block visitors in the Frontend foreground and Backend background respectively, and set the pages that visitors see after being blocked, such as 403/404 pages.

 Block visitors in the Frontend foreground and Backend background respectively, and set the pages that visitors see after being blocked, such as 403/404 pages

View the blocked records in Statistics, check the status of any IP location, and other settings.

In general, the IP2Location Country Blocker plug-in and Iq block country plug-in Both can block access to designated countries, and the use method is similar. Both need to update the IP database regularly.

If you are a foreign trade website or cross-border e-commerce website and do not want to be seen by your Chinese peers, your website will be imitated, and new products will be copied, you can use this plug-in.

Note: Lao Wei still wants to remind that this method can only block ordinary people, and it has little effect on those who change IP addresses and those who understand technology.

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Article name: IP2Location Country Blocker, WordPress Website Blocking Country Access Plug in
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27412.html
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