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WordPress security, backup, acceleration, marketing, design plug-in Jetpack

Jetpack It is a WordPress security, backup, acceleration, marketing and design plug-in. More than 5 million WordPress sites use Jetpack to help their websites. This plug-in is not widely used in China, and is generally used by foreign websites.

This plug-in integrates many functions such as filing, migration and relocation, security protection, security verification, update, speed up, image optimization, css, js, contact form, social media, etc. It is a combination of the advantages of many WordPress plug-ins.

1. Notes on Jetpack Plug in

  • Jetpack is a paid plug-in that can only be used after purchase.
  • The Jetpack plug-in is not recommended for websites with servers in mainland China, because the plug-in often needs to exchange data with the WordPress official website link. However, the website in foreign countries has poor access speed in mainland China, which will cause the server to slow down.
  • If the server is abroad, you can consider using it.

2. Jetpack Plug in Installation Enable

In the WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for Jetpack, install and enable it.

 Jetpack Plug in Installation Enable

3. Jetpack Setup Wizard

Then you can set Jetpack according to the wizard and activate the basic WordPress security and performance tools.

You can also leave and set it later.

Lao Wei chose to continue "Setting Jetpack".

 Jetpack Setup Wizard

At this time, you should use different ways to log in, such as WordPress official website account, Google account, and self registered account.

If you do not log in to the account, too many functions such as backup and protection cannot be used normally. This is also the main reason why Lao Wei said that domestic websites are not recommended.

4. Jetpack plug-in function

Plug ins include: security, performance, writing, sharing, discussion, traffic, etc.

  • Security: backup and security scanning, one click repair. Downtime monitoring and protection against hackers guessing the website background account password.
  • Performance: Enable the site accelerator, improve the loading speed of static files such as pictures, and enable the delayed loading function for images.
  • Writing: optimize the writing function, customization function, theme enhancement function, gadget, etc.
  • Share: Add a share and like button.
  • Discussion: comment function
  • Traffic: related articles, SEO optimization settings, Google Analytics association, site statistics, site maps, site verification, etc.

5. Summary

This plug-in is officially produced by WordPress, and it has all kinds of functions.

Many core content is the payment function, and is not friendly to domestic websites.

It is recommended that only foreign websites with spare money can be purchased and used.

Many people reported that the server and website became slower after installation.

This plug-in has many alternative plug-ins, all of which are free, and some functions are also integrated in the theme or page editor.

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Article name: WordPress Security, Backup, Acceleration, Marketing, Design Plug in Jetpack
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27388.html
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