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WordPress floating menu plug-in Float menu

Float menu It is easy to use WordPress floating menu plug-in , used to add a floating menu on the website, and scroll as the page moves, and remain visible. This kind of floating menu will not occupy the screen space, nor affect the normal browsing of the website. The Pro version can be customized for different site themes.

1. Features of Float menu plug-in

The floating menu plug-in allows users to interact more comfortably with the website, and provides the following practical functions:

  • Create an unlimited menu;
  • 2 position display panels: left or right side of the page;
  • Add and customize button labels;
  • Edit the indent between menu items;
  • Square button;
  • More than 1600+5 Font Awesome icons;
  • Select a color for each icon;
  • Insert any link;
  • Open the link in a new window;
  • Sets the background color of the button.
  • The floating menu can be used to:
  • Website navigation;
  • Main menu;
  • Contact block;
  • Additional menu;
  • User profile navigation, etc

2. Installing the Float menu plug-in

From WordPress background>Plug ins>Add Plug ins, search for "Float menu", install and enable it.

 From WordPress background>Plug ins>Add Plug ins, search for "Float menu", install and enable

3. Add Settings Floating Menu

Click Float Menu in the Wow Plugins in the WordPress background.

On the right, click Add new>Add item to add a new floating menu.

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 Float menu

Add a phone number in the following figure. If there is a link, add a url in the link table below.

 Add a phone number in the following figure. If there is a link, add a url in the link table below.

Search for appropriate icons in icon, and set font color and background color in style.

 Search for appropriate icons in icon, and set font color and background color in style.

Other options are added in turn, including address, mobile phone number, email, etc.

4. Floating menu effect

The final effect is shown in the following figure. When the mouse is not placed on the floating menu, it is a list of icons.

When you move to the floating menu, the information will pop up automatically to interact with visitors.

 When you move to the floating menu, the information will pop up automatically to interact with visitors

The floating menu of Float Menu can add unlimited menus with satisfactory results, and many functions can be customized. Generally speaking, it is free to install and use, easy to use, and very easy to use.

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Article name: WordPress Floating Menu Plug in Float Menu
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27317.html
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