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How to configure main ads for JustWeapp applet traffic

The JustWeapp applet supports the access of WeChat and Baidu traffic main ads at the same time, realizing various forms of expression such as information flow list ads, video pre post ads, and incentive video ads. Weieis notes how to configure these access advertisements.

1. Introduction to JustWeapp applet

JustWeapp applet It is the first applet of WPCOM, which can synchronously display article data on the applet side by using JustWeapp, and supports multi end applets such as WeChat/Baidu/Today's Toutiao/Ditto/QQ/Alipay. And it can be perfectly compatible with the latest version of WordPress and used in any WordPress theme.

Wei Aisi shared his notes WordPress WeChat/Baidu/Today's Headlines/Qiaoyin/QQ/Alipay's multiterminal applet JustWeapp , you can learn more if you are interested.

2. JustWeapp applet traffic ad configuration

WeChat applet: Go to the official background promotion>traffic master of the applet, and add it for each advertising space in the advertising management below this page.

At the top of the home page list/information flow list/beginning of article/end of article/after related articles: Banner advertising is supported, and you can fill in the advertising code option directly after obtaining the code.

Post advertisement before video: Get the code and fill it in the advertisement code option. When the applet clicks to play the video, it will display the advertisement before playing.

Video incentive advertisement: the system will automatically recognize the code obtained by filling it in the advertisement code option.

Video incentive advertising is used to stimulate the advertising content block. The content added to this block can be displayed only after viewing the advertising, and can be used for content/resources/knowledge realization, etc.

The incentive advertisement content block is based on the new block editor. See the following figure for the addition method:

 The JustWeapp applet incentive advertisement content block is based on the new block editor. See the following figure for the addition method

In order to be compatible with QQ applet, web side access and other platforms that do not support incentive advertising, the access will directly display hidden content, so this function is not suitable for content with high confidentiality.

If your applet is a non personal WeChat applet, check the applet>general settings>encourage advertising content to jump to WeChat browsing option in the background of the website, and the mobile terminal will still display the prompt to view the advertisement when visiting. After clicking to view the advertisement unlocking content, it will automatically jump to WeChat applet to open the current article.

Installation environment requirements PHP 7.3~7.4 and MySQL 5.5~5.6 are recommended;
Pseudo static (fixed link), using Pagoda panel one key setting pseudo static Linux system is recommended for better use experience;
For the sake of website security, stability and speed, Lao Wei recommends choosing Pagoda panel Build a website environment AliCloud server Tencent ECS Deployment theme;
The entry-level host is configured with 1 core 2G memory and 1 M bandwidth. Lao Wei suggested selecting 2 core 4G memory and 1 M bandwidth;
The theme can only be activated when it is accessible through the internet, and the local/intranet server may not be able to activate the authorization;

Baidu applet

In the Baidu official applet background promotion>traffic master>baiqingteng, enter the Baidu Alliance background, enter application cooperation>business management, and enter the application management on the left side to create new applet applications for the first time. The management of advertising space is in the Network Alliance Promotion>Code Space Management.

At the top of the home page list/information flow list/beginning of article/end of article/after related article: information flow and banner type advertisements are supported. After obtaining the code, fill in the advertisement code option directly.

Post ads before video: video post type ads, which can be directly filled into the advertising code option after obtaining the code. When you click to play the video in the applet, the advertisement will be displayed automatically before playing.

Video incentive advertisement: there is no access to obtain codes. Fill in the advertisement code with the applet ID: advertisement ID (separated by a colon in English), and refer to the following figure for obtaining methods:

 Baidu applet video incentive advertisement: there is no access to obtain the code, and the applet ID is filled in the advertisement code
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Article name: How to configure main advertisements for JustWeapp applet traffic
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27286.html
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