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Tips for saving money on Alibaba Cloud servers on Double 11 in 2021

In 2021, Alibaba Cloud servers on Double 11 will be highly discounted. Both individual webmasters and enterprise users are taking this opportunity to buy cloud servers. For more information on Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 activities, see 2021 Alibaba Cloud Dual 11 2-core 2G 58 yuan/year, 1-core 2G 69 yuan/year, 180 yuan/year  。 A novice or a friend who is not familiar with the server will ask how to choose the server configuration, such as how many cores to buy for the CPU, how much memory to buy, whether the system disk is enough, and how to buy more cheaply. Today, Weieis notes will share the experience and skills of buying servers.

 2021 Alibaba Cloud Double 11 Exclusive Gift Bag

1. It is more cost-effective to buy servers on the Double 11

Alibaba Cloud Server has offered several large-scale discount activities since the spring of the beginning of the year, the middle of 618, Double 11, and Double 12, but it is still Double 11. Old Wei suggested that if you don't hurry, you should wait until the Double 11 to buy and enjoy benefits.

2. New users cherish their first purchase qualification

  • New user=without consumption record
  • Old users=those with consumption records

In order to let more people go to the cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, etc. provide new users with preferential prices for their first purchase, with a large discount range.

The renewal is the original price, so Wei has repeatedly advised new users not to waste their first purchase qualification.

For example, someone bought a cloud product for one week or pay as you go for testing for the first time. As a result, when you buy cloud products later, you can't enjoy the first purchase discount and discount for new users. You can only buy at the original price.

For example, the entry-level 1 core, 2G memory, and 1M bandwidth Alibaba Cloud servers were purchased at the original price of about 1000 yuan a year, but the first purchase of new users was about 300 to 500 yuan/3 years. How much difference is there? Think for yourself.

3. The longer the initial purchase time of new users, the better

The price of ECS renewal is much higher than the initial purchase price. All old users have experienced this problem.

If you buy a server for long-term operation, it is recommended to buy it for three years for the first time (you can buy it for three years at the event discount). People who don't know it are trying to buy it for one year or less. The price of a one-year renewal is much higher than the price of the first three years. It is better to buy it for three years directly for the first time.

This is the experience of old Wei as an old user for many years. We must learn a lesson!

4. Get coupons before buying

New and old users can get and use AliCloud vouchers. It is recommended that you first Click to receive AliCloud vouchers , and then go to buy a server. When paying, you can save money with a discount.

5. To register a new user, do not use the registered information

If a new user's mobile phone number, email address, and IP address have not logged in to an old AliCloud user account or registered with an AliCloud account, they may be judged as an old user and cannot enjoy the new user discount.

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Article name: Tips for Saving Money on Alibaba Cloud Server on Double 11 in 2021
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27252.html
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