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2021 Alibaba Cloud Dual 11 2-core 2G 58 yuan/year, 1-core 2G 69 yuan/year, 180 yuan/year

In 2021, Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 preferential launch campaign began, and a number of cost-effective cloud servers were offered. Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers and shared n4 servers with 2-core, 2G memory and 5M bandwidth are all sold at a low price, and you can get the exclusive cloud package with one click.

1. Activity time

Coupon collection time: from October 18, 2021 to 24:00, November 11, 2021

Usage time: 0:00, November 1~24:00, November 11

2. Active Links

3. Participating in active model configuration

  • Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server 2-core 2G memory 5M bandwidth, 58 yuan/year
  • Shared n4 server 1 core 2G memory 1M bandwidth 69 yuan/year, 180 yuan/year
  • Computational c5 2-core 4G memory 188 yuan/year 567 yuan/year
  • Burst performance t6 2-core 2G 60 yuan/year

4. Activity Rules

During the activity, each user has a chance to collect coupons, Click to log in to my AliCloud Then query the coupon issuance and consumption status in "My AliCloud - Cards and Coupons - Card and Coupon Management - Coupon Management".

The cloud refueling package includes the following 2 types

6 personal gift bags

  • Coupon of 10 yuan minus 50 yuan for a single commodity order
  • Coupon of 20 yuan minus 100 yuan for a single commodity order
  • Coupon of RMB 49 will be deducted when the order of a single commodity reaches 300
  • Coupon of RMB 111 will be deducted when the order of a single commodity reaches 750
  • A discount of 122 yuan will be deducted for a single commodity order over 1000 yuan
  • A discount of 300 yuan for a single commodity order over 3000 yuan
  • More offers Click to go to the AliCloud Double 11 event page see

Individual new users can obtain a random first order coupon with a face value of 50, 55, 66, and 88 yuan, which can be used to reduce the first order amount. A single commodity order can be reduced immediately if it reaches 300 yuan.

 2021 Alibaba Cloud Double 11 Exclusive Gift Bag

6 corporate gift packs

  • Coupon of 20 yuan minus 100 yuan for a single commodity order
  • Coupon of RMB 49 will be deducted when the order of a single commodity reaches 300
  • Coupon of RMB 122 will be deducted when the order of a single commodity reaches 1000
  • Coupon of RMB 200 will be deducted when the order of a single commodity reaches 2000
  • A discount of 500 yuan will be deducted for a single commodity order over 5000 yuan
  • A discount of 1000 yuan will be deducted for a single commodity order of 10000 yuan or more
  • More offers Click to go to the AliCloud Double 11 event page see

A new user of the enterprise obtains a random first order exclusive coupon with a face value of 66, 88, 188, and 1111 yuan, which is used to reduce the first order amount. A single commodity order can be immediately reduced if it reaches 300 yuan, of which 1111 yuan face value coupon can be immediately reduced if a single commodity order reaches 1111.01 yuan.

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Article name: 2021 Alibaba Cloud Dual 11 2-core 2G 58 yuan/year, 1-core 2G 69 yuan/year, 180 yuan/year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27221.html
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