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Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server from purchase to site building guide

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server The operation is simple and easy to get started. Even novices and Xiaobai can quickly build websites through simple steps. The following Weieis notes will teach you how to purchase and use Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers to build personal websites through detailed operation steps.

1. Purchase Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server

Click to purchase Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server (You can buy it directly if you are under 24 years old). If you choose 2-core 2G memory for one year, it only costs 99 yuan (you can buy it three times at the current price).

Old Wei strongly recommends that you buy a server for one year, because new users can only buy such a cheap server if they buy it for the first time.

This is Alibaba Cloud Developer Growth Plan There are policy subsidies, so it is so cheap.

 Alibaba Cloud Developer Growth Plan Lightweight Application Server

If you are over 24 Click to purchase Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server , go here to select the appropriate configuration to purchase.

Click the "Buy Now" button on the page.

Region: Select the zone closest to your user, and the zone is random.

Image: The highest version of CentOS is recommended for Linux systems, and Windows 2012 or Windows 2016 is recommended for Windows systems.

Package configuration: select as required.

matters needing attention:

  • Linux systems and Windows systems within the mainland of China can be switched, while those outside the mainland, including Hong Kong, China, cannot be switched.
  • Servers in mainland China need to be filed, which takes more than 10 days, subject to the actual situation.
  • The server in mainland China shall be purchased for at least three months before filing.
  • New users suggest going AliCloud Cloud Xiaozhan receives vouchers , only 99 yuan a year. The voucher can also offset the cost of other cloud products, saving money.
 Purchase Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server

2. Alibaba Cloud purchases domain names

Domain name is an essential element for building a website. For example, the domain name of Weieis Notes is www.vpss.net.

We went to Wanwang to register a suitable domain name.

 Alibaba Cloud purchases domain names

Click to open On the purchase page of the domain name of the World Wide Web, enter the domain name you need in the search column, click Search, and buy it if you think it is appropriate.

Lao Wei suggested that domain name suffixes such as com, net and cn should be preferred. It is recommended to register for 1-3 years. In the later stage, if the website has been doing for a long time, it will be too late to renew.

Click to enter the console, domain name management and real name authentication. Without real name authentication, you cannot parse and access.

For specific operation, refer to What information should be provided for personal domain name authentication in Alibaba Cloud domain name real name authentication Alibaba Cloud domain name personal/enterprise real name authentication process and precautions for novices

3. Domain name filing

It is also called website filing. According to the regulations, websites in mainland China need to apply for domain name filing in order to be opened and accessed normally.

Lao Wei has shared a lot of relevant content, please see Detailed image and text introduction of AliCloud website ICP filing process Alibaba Cloud APP Filing Function Introduction Before purchasing Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers, be sure to check the website filing points

4. Lightweight application server settings

Reset password: enter the lightweight application server console, click Server Management>Lightweight Application Server mini card. Click Reset Password on the left side, set a more complex password (including letters, uppercase and lowercase, numbers, and special symbols), enter the verification code, and restart the server.

Bind the domain name: click the site settings on the left, add the domain name, enter the domain name purchased above, and click OK (non AliCloud domain names need to be resolved first).

Open the port: Security>Add rules to the firewall, add 8888, and leave the rest unchanged.

Back to the overview interface, click Web version remote connection, or use third-party SSH software such as Xshell and Putty.

5. Install the pagoda panel

There are two ways to quickly deploy pagoda panels. First, install in the image market, refer to How to install the pagoda panel/configure pagoda image with one click on Alibaba Cloud ECS servers Old Wei suggested that novices and Xiaobai should choose this method more conveniently and quickly.

The second method is to install it manually. You need to enter the command line, which is not friendly to novices. Interested please see Pagoda Panel 7.0 Installation and Deployment Tutorial

6. Pagoda adding website

After the pagoda panel and environment software are deployed in the front, then add the website.

  • Create a new site in the background of the pagoda panel and enter the domain name
  • Database: create MySQL, account and password
  • FTP: Select to create or not to create as required
  • Enter the root directory of the website, delete the default php file, and upload your own website program

At this time, the website building process is completed

7. Website security and backup

  • Modify the panel port: change the security portal, change the panel port from 8888, and change the default user name and password of the panel to something else.
  • Scheduled task: add a backup plan to prevent data loss.
  • Create server snapshot: used to back up the current server data. Click Create Snapshot.

8. Weiss summary

After the above operations, Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server can be used to build a website successfully. The overall operation is quite easy. If you want to be a webmaster and create your own website, you can try it.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Lightweight Application Server From Purchase to Site Establishment Guide
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27100.html
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