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Small and micro enterprises use lightweight application servers instead of virtual hosts to build websites

Low cost and high efficiency is the key for small and micro enterprises to go to the cloud. The daily visits to the websites of small companies are not much, and there is not much in a month. Therefore, the requirements for website server stability are high, but the performance requirements are low. Therefore, low-cost and stable ECS is particularly popular with start-ups. Today, let's talk about how lightweight application servers help start-ups and small and micro companies to go to the cloud at low cost.

 Small and micro enterprises use lightweight application servers instead of virtual hosts to build websites

1. Problems with the virtual host

The previous website building companies mostly used virtual hosts to build websites, and they mainly contacted small and micro enterprises. The problem of building a virtual host is as follows:

  • As the number of websites increases and the number of visits increases, the virtual host has to pay extra for traffic packages
  • Access stuck due to virtual host performance restrictions
  • Some operations cannot be realized due to insufficient permissions of the virtual host

2. Lightweight application server

Later, after having a lightweight application server, we found that the price of the lightweight application server is comparable or even cheaper than that of the virtual host, but the configuration and performance are much better. Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, which provide such hosts in China, all have cost-effective hosts.

  • Alibaba Cloud( Click to buy )2-core, 2G memory, 5M peak bandwidth, 60G ESSD cloud disk, 1000G/month, traffic package 99 yuan/year (current price can be renewed for 3 times)
  • Tencent Cloud( Click to buy )One core, 2G memory, 6M peak bandwidth, 60G SSD cloud disk, 1000G/month, traffic package, 74 yuan/year, 298 yuan/year

3. Lightweight application server vs. virtual host

A lightweight application server is very different from a virtual host. The former is a new virtual host, which provides a self selected image system and application deployment, and can set environment software, database, firewall rules, etc. The latter does not have these problems, but the performance gap is too large.

Although some parameters need to be configured for lightweight application servers, the stability, performance, and security of these servers are much better than those of virtual hosts.

For example, the permissions of files/folders are writable in the virtual host, while writable and read-only settings can be freely set in the lightweight application server. The port can also be opened and closed when not in use to avoid malicious attacks.

In addition, the bandwidth of the lightweight application server is large enough to run out of traffic, which has saved a lot of money compared with the past.

The virtual host can only set up one website, while the lightweight application server does not limit the number of websites (on the premise that the server load does not exceed). For the aforementioned two core 2G memory or one core 2G memory lightweight application server, more than 10 websites have been built in succession, and the overall operation is stable, without getting stuck. It is mainly small and micro enterprise websites, with a small number of visitors every day. Most of the time, the total number of daily visits is several hundred PV.

After more than a year of long-term use, all customer websites have been transferred to lightweight application servers, and we have completely said goodbye to the virtual host.

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4. Summary

This lightweight application server provides a cost-effective cloud solution for the business development of small and micro enterprises and start-ups, which is more cost-effective than virtual hosts and cheaper than cloud servers.

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Article name: Small and Micro Enterprises Replace Virtual Hosts with Lightweight Application Servers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27098.html
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