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Astra Bulk Edit plug-in page/article batch editing function

Astra Bulk Edit This is a batch editing plug-in that is only used in the Astra theme. Can be used to edit Astra Meta settings on multiple pages/posts at the same time.

Without this plug-in, if we want to edit multiple page properties at the same time, we can only do one operation, which is time-consuming, laborious and annoying.

The Astra Bulk Edit plug-in is created for the Astra theme. The prerequisite for using the plug-in is to install and enable the Astra theme (free version).

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For more Astra topics, see Astra topic
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1. Install and enable

There are two ways to install the Astra Bulk Edit plug-in. One is to search for "Astra Bulk Edit" in WordPress background>Plug in, install and enable it.

 There are two ways to install the Astra Bulk Edit plug-in. One is to search for "Astra Bulk Edit" in WordPress background>Plug in, install and enable it.

Second, after installing and enabling the Astra theme (free version), enable "Astra batch editing" in WordPress background>Appearance>Astra option.

 After installing and enabling the Astra theme (free version), enable it in WordPress background>Appearance>Astra option

2. Use Settings

If you want to edit batch properties of Astra theme pages/articles, there are only a few functions before installing the plug-in, as shown in the following figure:

 When editing batch properties of Astra theme pages/articles, there are only a few functions before the plug-in is installed

After the installation of the Astra Bulk Edit plug-in, many functions have been added.

For example, you can edit the Astra sidebar, internal layout, main header, transparent title, bread crumbs, title, featured pictures, footer, etc.

As shown below:

 After installing the Astra Bulk Edit plug-in, many functions have been added

Astra Bulk Edit Plug in The usage rate is not high. You can uninstall and delete it after using it to save system resources. You can install it after using it.

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Article name: Astra Bulk Edit Plug in Page/Article Batch Editing Function
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27055.html
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