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Detailed Operation Tutorial of Element Hiding Page Title

If you want to hide the default title of the Elementor design website, you can use the built-in hide function settings to open and hide it immediately.

1. Hide Page Title Directly

Create a new page, click "Edit with Elementor", and click the pinion button in the lower left corner of the Elementor editing area.

 Click "Edit with elementor", and click the "Pinion" icon in the lower left corner of the page

Find and turn on the hidden title switch.

 Element hides page title

This is the normal way to hide the page title using the built-in function of elementor.

Elementor Page Editor Click me directly The official website of Elementor Pro plug-in is fast and easy to use. Getting Started Click Purchase Elementor Pro plug-in and download and install to activate _WordPress page editor For more Elementor plug-ins, see Elementor Themes
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2. Can't directly hide how to solve

Sometimes because the topic uses different classes, the function of hiding the title will not work. At this time, you need to add the title selector manually.

Take Google Browser as an example. Right click the page title in the browser, select Inspect, find and record the H1 class name, which is usually displayed in quotation marks.

For example, the H1 tag on this page is as follows:

h1 class=”article-title”

What we need is the article title in quotation marks

 Right click the page title in the browser, select Inspect, find and record the H1 class name, which is usually displayed in quotation marks.

Another search method is to right-click the blank space of the current page to view the source code and search for the first h1.

Copy the title selector in the quotation marks above.

Enter the three horizontal lines (hamburger icon) in the upper left corner of the Elementor editing area>Site Settings>Layout>Page Title Selector, and save.

 Enter the three horizontal lines (hamburger icon) in the upper left corner of the Elementor editing area>Site Settings>Layout>Page Title Selector, and save.

The Elementor uses the "h1. entry title" selector to hide the page title. If your topic selector is different, such as the class name you see is "123 title", manually enter h1.123-title.

The method in this article is relatively simple and applicable to websites using the elementor editor. The disadvantage is that if there are many pages, you have to set them one by one.

3. Global disallow page title

In Hello Theme+Elementor, the method to globally suppress page titles is found on WPTuts, including code.

Here's how to quickly and permanently delete the page title from each page, whether it's a blog post, template or any other page type in WordPress.

The original author's method of operation is to install and enable the hello child sub theme, and put the above code at the end of the functions.php file of the sub theme (appearance theme editor).

stay Add code in subtheme No matter how the theme is upgraded, the added code will not be affected.

 Install and enable the hello child sub theme, and put the code at the end of the functions.php file of the sub theme

If you don't want to use subthemes, use Code snippets plug-in It can be easily implemented, and can also meet the needs of adding other code.

  • Install the enabling plug-in, enter Snippets>Add New
  • Give a name: disable page title or disable page title, in Chinese and English as you like
  • Enter the following code

function ele_disable_page_title( $return ) {
return false;
add_filter(‘hello_elementor_page_title’, ‘ele_disable_page_title’);

  • Select only run on site front end, and the code is only valid on the front page.
  • Don't forget to click save changes to take effect!

In this way, it is easy to implement several lines of code to globally disable page titles without having to set them one by one.

The above is the method to prohibit a page title and global prohibition separately in the Elementor Editor and Hello theme. Different methods can be used in different situations. The elementor theme should be treated in a specific way.

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Article name: Detailed Operation Tutorial of Element Hiding Page Title
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/27051.html
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