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How much running memory does AliCloud server have? How many G?

AliCloud server running memory How big? How many G? The price of Alibaba Cloud servers is getting lower and higher. This has also led many novice webmasters to upgrade from virtual hosts to cloud servers. However, people still have questions about the running memory size of AliCloud servers. The activity page shows 2G to 16G. What Weiss's notes want to say is that the size of the runnable memory varies according to the configuration and price. This is very different from the virtual host, which is explained in detail below.

At present, the running memory of Alibaba Cloud servers generally starts from 2G memory, and 2G memory is enough for entry-level websites, blogs and businesses; 4G memory is used for enterprise level businesses, applets, apps, etc; Select 8G, 16G or more memory for higher computing performance requirements.

1. View AliCloud server running memory on the activity page

 How much running memory does AliCloud server have? How many G?

In progress Alibaba Cloud Autumn Cloud Season Activity On the page, there are 2G, 4G, 8G and other types of server running memory.

For example, a lightweight application server with 2-core 2G memory, 5M peak bandwidth, 60GB ESSD hard disk, and 1000G monthly traffic costs only 60 yuan per year. The price is so cheap that the whole network can't find such a cheap ECS.

AliCloud usually has a lot of activities and various configurations, as shown below:

2. View the memory on the purchase page of AliCloud ECS servers

Click to open AliCloud ECS purchase page If there is no account, please register the account and give your real name. Click the "Buy Now" button,

 View the memory on the purchase page of AliCloud ECS servers

If your business needs common ECS configurations and models, Lao Wei suggests that you first Click to receive AliCloud vouchers , and place an order from the purchase page. This can save some expenses and reduce the cost of cloud deployment. Of course, the preferred purchase channel is the various activity pages in the first item above, and the discount is very strong.

3. View the purchased ECS memory

 View the purchased ECS memory

Click to open Alibaba Cloud official website And log in to the account, find "ECS" from the "Console", enter the server console, click "Instance and Image>Instance" from the navigation menu on the left, select the purchased region at the top, and you can see the details of the purchased server in the instance list on the right, as shown in the above figure, it is a 2-core CPU, 4G memory, computing C6 ECS.

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Article name: How big is the running memory of Alibaba Cloud Server? How many gigabytes is it
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26708.html
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