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Optimize Database One click WordPress Database Cleanup Optimization Plug in

Optimize Database (Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions) is a one click WordPress database cleaning optimization plug-in, which deletes revision records, deleted articles, pages, garbage comments, and optimizes database tables.

Old Wei shared WordPress cleans database/cache/cleans/compresses plug-in WP Optimize , similar but more powerful than this.

1. Optimize Database Plug in Installation

From WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for "Optimize Database" and install it.

 Optimize Database Plug in Installation

If the installation fails (on a domestic website), you need to manually download the plug-in from the WordPress official website and upload it to the plug-in directory with FTP software.

2. Optimize Database Plug in Features

  • Delete revisions to posts, pages, and/or custom post types
  • Delete deleted posts, pages and comments
  • Delete spam comment
  • Delete unused labels
  • Delete "expired or all transients"
  • Delete "pingbacks" and "trackbacks"
  • Clear "OEMBED Cache"
  • Delete the "orphaned postmeta project
  • Optimize database tables
  • Create optimization log
  • Optimization can be scheduled to run automatically once an hour, twice a day, once a day, or once a week at a specific time
  • "Optimize database (1 click)" in the management column
  • "Optimize Database" icon in the management menu
  • MULTISITE compatibility: one key optimization of all sites in the network

3. Optimize Database Plug in Settings

Please backup the database before optimization!!!

Setting is to check the options you want to clean and optimize, and click one button to clean. It is very simple.

Check the options to be cleared as shown in the following figure. By default, there are already some checked options.

You can also display the shortcut link (with icon) of the plug-in in the left menu bar, so that you can quickly open and use it later.

 Optimize Database Plug in Settings

In WordPress background>Settings>Optimize database, start setting and check the content you want to clean. Click the "go to optimizer" button.

Confirm the selected setting items as shown in the figure below, click Analysis and Optimization, and then you can see the result report.

 Confirm the selected setting items, click Analysis and Optimization, and then you can see the result report

The Optimize Database has many functions, which are very simple to use, and the cleaning effect is also very good. However, the overall layout style is not as consistent with Chinese customs as WP Optimize, and there is almost no introduction to the Optimize Database on the domestic network. Many people prefer to use the WP Optimize plug-in.

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Article name: Optimize Database One click WordPress Database Cleanup Optimization Plug in
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26696.html
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