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Which is easier to use, AliCloud or Tencent Cloud lightweight application server?

Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud both provide lightweight application servers. The lightweight application server features a built-in application image, which eliminates the need to build a website running environment. Novice can deploy and quickly run websites with one click on the console interface. The lightweight application server uses package computing, network and storage resources, which greatly simplifies the complexity of use and management compared with ECS.

1. Number of application images supported

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server currently supports 10 application images: WordPress, LAMP, Docker, LNMP, Node.js, ECShop, phpwind, ASP/. NET, Drupal, BT Pane (pagoda panel), and will expand more in the future.

 AliCloud currently supports 10 application images

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server supports 14 application images.

Including: pagoda panel, Discuz! Q, WordPress Community Edition, Typecho, Cloudve, LAMP, Node.js, ASP/. NET, Theia IDE, Docker CE, K3s, WordPress Tencent Cloud Plug in Edition, Nextcloud Tencent Cloud Plug in Edition, Discuz! X Tencent Cloud Plug in Edition, etc.

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server supports 14 application images

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server supports significantly more applications than Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server.

2. In terms of price, Tencent ECS is much cheaper, which can save more than 20% of the cost.

Tencent Cloud also launched a special event for lightweight application servers, with the time limit of one core 2G6M as low as 74 yuan/year.

3. Configuration

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server entry-level configuration 2-core 1G memory 3M peak bandwidth, Tencent Cloud lightweight application server provides 1-core 2G memory 6M bandwidth

Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud both support three years of service. For new users, there is a great discount for a one-time purchase of three years.

4. Lao Wei suggested that individual developers, students, small enterprises, etc. need to quickly build lightweight businesses such as personal blogs, small websites, corporate official websites, forums, e-commerce websites, and applets. Choosing lightweight application servers is both cheap and practical.

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Article name: Which is easier to use, AliCloud or Tencent Cloud lightweight application server
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26636.html
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