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How much does it cost to build a website and buy a domain name and a host server?

To build a website, you need to purchase domain names and host servers, which are described in detail below.

1. Domain name

Common domain name suffixes are. com,. net,. cn, etc. For domestic users, whichever is OK. Mainly. com and. cn. . cn can't be used when facing foreign countries, and the suffixes of. com,. net and other international domain names are mainly used.

The prices of these domain name suffixes are also somewhat different The first year of the. com domain name is about 55~60 yuan, the first year of the. cn domain name is about 29 yuan, and the first year of the. net domain name is about 60~70 yuan.

The number of people who buy domain names in China is now more than that of Wanwang( Alibaba Cloud )And dnspod( Tencent Cloud )The number of domain name resolution is among the top among domestic domain name vendors.

 How much does it cost to build a website and buy a domain name and a host server?

2. Host server

Domestic virtual hosts are too simple to meet the growing demand for websites. Weieis notes suggest that individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises use ECS. In the era of cloud computing, cloud servers and lightweight application servers are good choices.

The price of ECS is cheaper every year than the previous year. For example, Alibaba Cloud shared s6 servers with 1-core 2G1M cost about 89 yuan last year, but this year it is between 74 yuan and 85 yuan cheaper. The same is true for Tencent ECS.

Alibaba Cloud server recommendation

Personal and small websites choose a shared n4/s6 server with one core and 2G; Select 2-core 4G3M server for applet and enterprise website. For medium and large websites and businesses, 4-core 8G5M server or higher configuration is selected.

Tencent ECS recommendation

Tencent ECS are all 100% exclusive servers, without shared servers. The configuration selection is the same as the above AliCloud server.

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The above is a domestic website server. It is recommended to choose Siteground and Hostinger virtual hosts for foreign websites. Very good function, performance and speed.

Foreign trade, B2C/C2C and other websites suggest registering domain names abroad. open Namesilo official website , enter and select in the search box, and then register. Remember to use the discount code to save money. Discount code click Course of domain name registration of foreign domain name provider Namesilo obtain.
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3. Total price

According to the. com domain name, personal blogs and corporate websites are calculated as follows:

  • Domain name 60 yuan/year+1 core 2G1M AliCloud server 85 yuan/year=145 yuan
  • Domain name 60 yuan/year+2-core 4G1M AliCloud server 301 yuan/year=361 yuan
  • Domain name 60 yuan/year+2-core 4G3M Tencent ECS 348 yuan/year=408 yuan

The above price will fluctuate by about 10 yuan. The price of domain name activity may be 59 yuan, plus Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential password You can save 10 yuan.

The above Tencent ECS 2-core 4G server uses 3M bandwidth, which is more cost-effective.

Please move the price of foreign virtual hosts Siteground virtual host price Hostinger web hosting: price comparison of three package configurations and how to choose Hostinger WordPress Hosting Plan Price Comparison Difference and Selection

On the whole, personal websites can be built for more than 100 yuan a year, and enterprise websites, applets and other applications can be built for less than 400 yuan.

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Article name: How much does it cost to build a website to buy domain names and host servers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26538.html
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