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What do you think of the price rise of the. com domain name in September 2010?

Recently, we know from various channels . com domain name price increase The registration agency Verizon notified that the registration price of the. com domain name will rise from 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time on August 31, 2021 (4:00 p.m. UTC on September 1, 2021). The price of domain name registration and renewal will be increased.

For ordinary webmasters, there are only a few. com domains in their hands. It doesn't matter whether the price rises or not, and they don't care if they have profit income. The rice farmers have been greatly affected. Those who have registered hundreds of thousands of domain names and are waiting to sell them for profit. It is a big burden for these people. However, we also see that since 2020, the prices of various daily necessities have also risen to a certain extent, reflecting the corresponding rise in virtual goods and labor costs, which is understandable.

No matter how many. com domains you have, it's better to renew them before September 1. So as not to spend too much money. It is believed that in the second half of the year, many domain names will launch. com domain name transfer promotional activities to attract a large number of domain names and new users. Users are the most realistic. They can go wherever they are cheap. If there is no discount for subsequent renewal, the domain name will be migrated again to find a domain name provider that can provide discounts.

Domestic domain name registration can go to Alibaba Cloud's Wanwang The price is cheap and convenient for transfer in and out. Foreign domain name registration can go to namesilo The price is lower among peers and privacy protection is provided for free. Use the Foreign domain name provider Namesilo domain name registration tutorial and discount code You can save one dollar by registering a domain name, which is more cost-effective!

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Article name: What do you think of the price rise of the. com domain name in September 2010
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