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What are the exclusive discounts and promotional benefits for Alibaba Cloud enterprise accounts?

After you register an AliCloud account, you can choose the real name authentication method, which can be personal real name authentication or enterprise real name authentication. Wei Aisi's notes tell you that the exclusive preferential conditions for enterprise authenticated users are far more than those for individual authenticated users. Now, Lao Wei shares the exclusive preferential information for Alibaba Cloud enterprise users.

1. AliCloud enterprise account and individual account enjoy voucher deduction

Alibaba Cloud voucher discount does not distinguish between enterprises and individuals, and the collection and use methods are identical. The collection address is:

2. Exclusive privileges for Alibaba Cloud enterprise accounts

In the promotional activities provided by Alibaba Cloud, if you look carefully, you will find that some activities or cloud products in activities are exclusive to enterprise accounts.

2.1 Alibaba Cloud Apsara members

Alibaba Cloud provides exclusive benefits for enterprise accounts. After joining Alibaba Cloud Apsara members, users can enjoy a number of benefits such as exclusive member prices, exclusive benefits, and exclusive service support. Help enterprises go to the cloud at low cost.

2.2 Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Welfare Session

Ten thousand volumes are sent together to help enterprises go to the cloud, as low as 2.2 fold. High configuration ECS combination offers (bandwidth 1~10M, data disk 40G~100G), cloud database (limited to 5 sets at a time), SMS package (5000&50000 pieces), storage products, security products (web application firewall 2.7 yuan/day), mail box product promotions (an option trusted by millions of enterprises), etc. for new users of Alibaba Cloud enterprises.

2.3 Enterprise segment of Alibaba Cloud preferential activities

In Alibaba Cloud's usual promotional activities, there is an enterprise segment, which provides special promotional activities for enterprise accounts. Individual users cannot buy configurations and prices.

The above activities or exclusive enterprise segments are Alibaba Cloud's preferential policies for enterprise users, and individual users cannot participate in the purchase.

3. Enterprise account purchase server has lower price and higher configuration

 What are the exclusive discounts, promotions and benefits of Alibaba Cloud enterprise accounts

For example, in Alibaba Cloud Mid Year Huge Benefit New Person Preferential Activity Among them, the shared s6 server is 2-core 8G, and the purchase price of enterprise account is 390.60 yuan/year, while the purchase price of individual account is 416.64 yuan/year. Enterprise users can enjoy a lower activity price.

Individual users can only choose entry-level server models such as shared n4 server, shared s6 server and lightweight application server.
Enterprise users can choose more cloud server models. In addition to the above models, they also include computing c5, computing c6, computing c6a, computing balance enhanced c6e, memory r5, memory r6, general balance enhanced g6e and other models with better performance.

There are many activities like this, all of which have special enterprise segments, and the preferential policies are very powerful.

4. The enterprise account can issue invoices with the company name

Individual accounts cannot issue invoices for Alibaba Cloud products. There is no limit on enterprise account numbers. You can issue invoices with the same company name as the real name authentication for deduction.

Alibaba Cloud enterprise accounts have more preferential policies than individual users in terms of exclusive discounts, activity ECS, activity intensity and invoices. Old Wei suggested that when registering Alibaba Cloud accounts, eligible enterprises and companies should provide enterprise real name authentication for their accounts. Only in this way can they enjoy the maximum benefits provided by Alibaba Cloud officials and do not waste the exclusive benefits of Alibaba Cloud enterprise accounts.

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Article name: What are the exclusive discounts and promotional benefits for Alibaba Cloud enterprise accounts
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26309.html
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