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Four key points and three misunderstandings in building enterprise official website

Building an enterprise official website has always been a hot topic on the Internet. Building a website is not just as simple as building a website. There are many things behind it that need us to think about and operate. Next, we will take notes to talk about the 4 key points and 3 misunderstandings of building the enterprise official website.

 Four key points and three misunderstandings in building enterprise official website

Four key points for building enterprise official website

1. Website positioning

Before the establishment of the website, we should make clear the purpose, whether it is for external display or online e-commerce, which products are suitable for online display, which products are not suitable for online display, and which audiences are. Then we should plan the website content. In this way, the operation and promotion of website content will go in the right direction.

2. Basic operation

After setting up the website, our work is not over yet. Then it is to constantly update website content, exchange external links, release anti links and other ways to attract search engines. After such operation for a period of time, the enterprise website will get more traffic and more attention. These are relatively basic operations that need to be done for a long time and continuously, just like going upstairs, step by step.

3. There are new things coming out every day on the Internet, and our enterprise website operation methods should also follow the innovation, learn more from the competitive products and peers' operation methods, imitate and even change their own things, so as to bring the value of the website into greater play. For example, the enterprise official website and the public account can complement each other with small programs, and various channels such as microblog, video and Zhihu can complement each other.

4. Website Host Configuration

The website server configuration should be able to carry the corresponding traffic, not to say how high the configuration is, suitable for enterprise websites. Choose Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud platforms that are more reliable in China, with fast opening speed, high stability and guaranteed security.

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Three misunderstandings in building enterprise official website

1. Some enterprise leaders only pay attention to the price of website construction, but not the quality of website development. There are many website design companies now, and the threshold is not high. Enterprise websites vary in quality, with prices ranging from several hundred to tens of thousands of yuan. Some companies are cheap, as long as the price is cheap, they will not consider the technical strength of the website building company comprehensively, so they will be more passive in the later operation and maintenance of the website.

If you are not satisfied with the found website building company, you can consider Alibaba Cloud · Express Beauty Station You can build a website if you can type, and it will be online in one day. Thousands of free templates, random switching (PC station+mobile station), visual management background, simple and easy maintenance, standard cloud server, fast and stable, unlimited traffic, all inclusive, no reason to refund in five days.

It is recommended to choose enterprise websites with higher design requirements Alibaba Cloud · Enterprise Official Website , customized design and website building, one-stop service throughout the website building cycle, 95.3% users' choice, experts' one-to-one website planning and online support, designers' exclusive design and building (PC+mobile station) throughout the whole process, and no additional purchase is required for standard Alibaba Cloud servers. One price all inclusive, online delivery, full refund if dissatisfied.

2. The website is not operated and maintained. Some enterprises do not promote, publish content, or make external links after the website is launched. Such websites are not easy to be included by search engines. How can a website that is not included or has little information be known and understood by more people.

3. Pay no attention to the user experience of the website. One of the important principles of search engine ranking is user experience. It also plays a key role in the search engine ranking of the website. Even if the website attracts a lot of traffic through various means, but the user experience is not good, the traffic will not stay on the website, let alone let users understand the products and their desire to further purchase or contact you.

The above are the key points and misconceptions of building an enterprise website. I hope that those who build an enterprise website can pay attention to it and give full play to its full value.

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Article name: 4 Key Points and 3 Mistakes in Building an Enterprise Official Website
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