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How large can Alibaba Cloud ECS server system disks and data disks be expanded?

When the remaining space on the AliCloud ECS server disk is not enough, the disk capacity can be rapidly increased through online or offline expansion. What is the maximum capacity expansion?

1. Alibaba Cloud system disk expansion limit

The new value should be between the existing capacity of the system disk and 500GB. For example, the system disk capacity of a Linux server before capacity expansion is 40GB, and the capacity after capacity expansion is greater than 35GB, ≤ 500GB.

The relationship between the system disk capacity limit and the operating system is as follows:

image Capacity Limit (GiB)
CoreOS and FreeBSD Greater than {30, current capacity of system disk}, 500
Other Linux Greater than {20, current capacity of system disk}, 500
Windows Server Greater than {40, current capacity of system disk}, 500
 How large can Alibaba Cloud ECS server system disks and data disks be expanded?

2. Alibaba Cloud data disk expansion limit

The new capacity should be greater than the existing capacity of the data disk. The upper limit of data disk expansion for different cloud disks is shown in the following table.

Cloud Disk Category Upper limit of capacity expansion (GiB)
ESD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk or efficient cloud disk thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight
Ordinary cloud disk two thousand

The above content comes from Alibaba Cloud Disk Expansion Help Document , which has a more detailed explanation.

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Article name: How large can Alibaba Cloud ECS server system disks and data disks be expanded
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26250.html
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