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WordPress classic widget plug-in Classic Widgets

Classic Widgets It is a WordPress plug-in that restores classic widgets. At present, WordPress 5.8 has updated the functions of widgets. Many people can use this plug-in to go back to the past if they are not used to it.

WordPress5.8 widgets are edited in blocks, completely changing the widget editing method, as shown in the following figure:

 WordPress 5.8 widgets are edited in blocks, completely changing the way widgets are edited

Some websites use the classic gadget editing function. After upgrading to the latest version of WordPress, the following error prompt will appear, causing the gadget unable to be edited and used normally.

To restore normal operation, it is recommended to install the following plug-ins.

Classic Widgets Installation Enable

Log in to WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for "Classic Widgets", install and enable them.

 Classic Widgets Installation Enable

The domestic server may not be installed normally. You can manually download it from the official WordPress website, upload it to the website's plug-in directory with ftp software, and enable it in the WordPress background.

Using Classic Widgets

After the plug-in is activated, the old classic WordPress gadget setting interface will be restored, and block editor management gadget is prohibited. This plug-in does not provide nor need to be configured. By enabling or disabling this plug-in, you can switch back and forth between the classic gadget and block gadget interfaces.

Classic Widgets are the official plug-ins of WordPress and are planned to be maintained until 2022 or more.

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Article name: WordPress Classic Widgets
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26242.html
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