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Which is better to choose Alibaba Cloud shared general computing for web services

Web business generally refers to online businesses such as websites. The practical applications of such businesses include personal blogs, large, medium and small websites, enterprise websites, etc. According to these different uses and usage scenarios, we can Alibaba Cloud shared Alibaba Cloud computing AliCloud Universal Make a choice.

 Which is better for web ECS to choose Alibaba Cloud shared general computing

First of all, these three models can meet the requirements of web site deployment. Considering the specific needs, there are two points to consider: on the one hand, consider the cost, and on the other hand, consider the business requirements for cloud servers.

Web application scenario

1. Most web services have low performance requirements, such as individuals, small and micro enterprises, and the choice of shared s6 servers can fully meet the needs of daily site building. One core 2G or two core 4G configurations can be selected according to the size of the website.

2. Some web services have high requirements on the computing performance of the server, which may continuously occupy 100% of the CPU. At the same time, it is recommended to use a computing ECS with sufficient budget to enjoy the server CPU computing resources exclusively.

3. In addition to high computing performance requirements for other web services, there is also a large flow of network data transmission, so you can choose a general-purpose server, which has all the characteristics of a computing server.

Alibaba Cloud model configuration

Alibaba Cloud shared s6 application scenarios:

  • Small and medium-sized websites and web applications
  • Development environment, construction server, code repository, microservice, testing and staging environment, etc
  • Lightweight database, cache
  • Lightweight enterprise applications, integrated application services
  • For more configuration details, click Direct AliCloud document viewing

Alibaba Cloud computing c6 scenarios:

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc
  • Web front-end server
  • MMO front-end
  • Data analysis, batch computing, video coding
  • High performance science and engineering applications
  • For more configuration details, click Direct AliCloud document viewing

Alibaba Cloud generic instance type family g6 application scenarios:

  • High network packet receiving and sending scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc
  • Enterprise applications of various types and scales
  • Website and application server
  • Game server
  • Small and medium-sized database system, cache, search cluster
  • Data analysis and calculation
  • Computing cluster, memory dependent data processing
  • For more configuration details, click Direct AliCloud document viewing

To sum up the above information, Alibaba Cloud shared s6 is selected for ordinary small websites, Alibaba Cloud computing c6 is selected for medium-sized websites, and Alibaba Cloud universal g6 is selected for large web services. No matter which server you choose Get AliCloud vouchers , can save money.

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Article name: Which is better for web services to choose Alibaba Cloud shared general computing
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26232.html
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