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WordPress anti spam comment plug-in Akismet Anti Spam

Akismet Anti-Spam It is a WordPress anti spam comment plug-in with very powerful functions. WordPress websites often receive spam comments. In addition to using pure code to shield spam comments, you can also use the Akismet Anti Spam plug-in. In fact, this plug-in is the default plug-in of WordPress after installation. It will automatically check site comments and filter junk comments according to rules.

1. Plug in Installation Enable

Search "Akismet Anti Spam" in WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, install and enable it.

 Akismet Anti Spam Installation Enable

If the installation fails, go to the WordPress official website to download, upload to the plug-in directory, and then go to the background to enable.

2. Plug in Settings

After enabling the plug-in, it will automatically jump to the Akismet Anti Spam plug-in settings page, or you can manually navigate to the WordPress background>Settings>Akismet Anti Spam settings page, click the [set up your Akismet account] button, and if you have an Akismet API key, you can directly click the [Manually enter an API key] to fill in the API password.

 After enabling the plug-in, automatically jump to the Akismet Anti Spam plug-in setting page

Now start to register the Akismet account. Choose the personal package on the left, which is free of charge.

 Register an Akismet account. Choose the personal package on the left, which is free of charge.

Enter the email address, name and domain name, check the options of no advertisement, no product and no business, and then slide the black slider in the figure below to 0 yuan to the left, so you can use the plug-in for free.

 Enter the email address, name and domain name, check the options of no advertisement, no product and no business, and then slide the black slider in the figure below to 0 yuan to the left

Fill in the verification code received by the mailbox and continue to the next step.

After registration, check the email containing the API key received by the mailbox, and copy the API key from the email.

Enter WordPress background>Plug in>Akismet>Settings, click [Manually enter an API key], paste the key into the dialog box, and click [Connect with API key].

The plug-in setting options that appear later can be set by default and do not need to be changed.

 Plug in setting options can be set by default and do not need to be changed.

Akismet Anti Spam plug-in will silently filter garbage comments. We regularly go to WordPress background>comments to check the situation, and also check whether there are normal comments that are injured by mistake.

If the number of spam comments is too large, it can be used when it is too late to manually delete them WordPress One click Delete Pending Comments Delete in batch.

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Article name: Akismet Anti Spam, WordPress anti spam comment plug-in
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26218.html
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