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WordPress One click Delete Pending Comments

WordPress website comments are easy to receive a lot of junk comments and comments to be reviewed. Usually, we manually delete one or two comments. Weieis Notes encountered a situation where there are more than 90000 junk comments on a website, and it is impossible to manually delete all of them quickly. At this time, you can delete garbage comments in batches with one key Delete Pending Comments plug-in It will come in handy.

1. Delete Pending Comments Installation Activation

Log in to WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for "Delete Pending Comments", install and activate it.

 Delete Pending Comments plug-in installation activation

If the installation fails, download it from the official website of WordPress, and then manually upload it to activate.

2. Use Delete Pending Comments

This is an English plug-in, which is easy to use and does not need online translation.

Note: Before using this plug-in, Lao Wei strongly recommends backing up website files and databases to avoid unnecessary losses.

Go to WordPress background>Comment>Delete Pending Comments to see the English description. There are currently 3 pending and spam comments. Do you want to delete them with one click? If yes, enter the following sentence "I am sure I want to delete all pending comments and realize this can't be undone" in the input box, and click the [Delete Pending Comments] button to successfully delete.

 Use Delete Pending Comments

3. The Delete Pending Comments plug-in can delete junk comments and comments to be reviewed with one click. Considering that there may be some normal comments, Lao Wei suggested checking before operation, and deleting after confirming that it is useless. Of course, for example, when Lao Wei encountered more than 90000 spam comments on this site, he probably scanned them all in English and then deleted them with one click of the plugin. After all, we can't check them one by one, which is unrealistic.

4. The reason for so many spam comments is that the webmaster has not blocked them. From a security perspective, we choose WordPress anti spam comment plug-in Akismet Anti Spam To filter spam comments.

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Article name: WordPress One click Delete Pending Comments
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26215.html
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