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Solution to the problem that X shell numeric keypad cannot be used

Problem description: When using the vi editor on the Chinese version of Xshell, enter the number keys on the keypad, and the result is not a number, but a letter and then a new line.

Analyze the problem:

Our commonly used keyboard is equipped with a number keyboard area (that is, the number keyboards from 1 to 9 on the right hand side). In the use of the Chinese version of Xshell, the number keyboard may be garbled.


solve the problem:

1. Open the Xshell and click Properties to open the dialog box.

2. Select "VT Mode" in the category, and then select "Set as Normal" in the initial numeric keypad mode from the options on the right.

3. Click OK, and then reopen the Xshell (you must restart the Xshell to take effect). When you use the Xshell again, you will find that the numeric keypad can input numbers normally.

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Article name: Solution to the Irregularity of Xshell Numeric Keypad
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/262.html
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