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How to use WP Optimize to delete redundant tables in the database?

In the long-term process of building a website, we all had the experience of installing plug-ins. Later, we stopped or uninstalled plug-ins for various reasons, such as poor use and wrong selection. However, some plug-ins will leave redundant tables in the database even if they are uninstalled, resulting in bloated databases. How to use the notes shared by Weieis today WP-Optimize Delete redundant tables in the database.

If you have not used this plug-in before, please move to see WordPress cleans database/cache/cleans/compresses plug-in WP Optimize You can optimize the garbage files in the database with one click, which is very useful.

1. Backup database

Lao Wei suggested that everyone should back up in advance before database operations, so as to avoid any problems that cannot be recovered and cause losses.

Recommended for WP Optimize plug-in UpdraftPlus Backup/Recovery Plug in The two plug-ins are from the same company and have good compatibility.

2. Delete Database Table

After installing and enabling the WP Optimize plug-in, locate the [Tables] option of the plug-in, as shown in the following figure.

 After installing and enabling the WP Optimize plug-in, locate the [Tables] option of the plug-in

After pulling down, you will see a "red" prompt: not installed, which is the previously uninstalled plug-in.

In addition, WP Optimize will also prompt the name and URL of the uninstalled plug-in for easy viewing.

 WP Optimize will also prompt the name and URL of the uninstalled plug-in for easy viewing

If you are sure that the plug-in will not be used again, click the "Remove" button on the right to delete it.

Pop up window: Please confirm that the deletion is correct, and such prompt will not pop up in the future.

Then check each line carefully and delete it.

In this way, on the basis of optimizing the database, we further cleaned up the database garbage and made the database no longer bloated.

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Article name: How to delete redundant tables in the database with WP Optimize
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26194.html
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