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AliCloud new users can enjoy a coupon for 1 core 2G ECS as low as 77 yuan/year

After the 2021 AliCloud 618 event, welcome to participate Exclusive activities for new users of Alibaba Cloud Server You can continue to purchase AliCloud servers at a low price until July 31. You can buy a 1-core 2G cloud server worth 77 yuan/year by receiving a free exclusive voucher and stacking discount activities. It can be renewed for 3 times at the same price, and each person is limited to one.

1. Get the exclusive voucher for free

AliCloud provides five vouchers, which can be used with the preferential price of the event, equal to a discount. The specific price is as follows: 10 heads of state can be deducted from 80 yuan; 30 heads of state purchase exclusive for 300 yuan or more; 50 yuan less than 500 yuan for exclusive purchase; 100 yuan less than 1000 yuan for exclusive purchase; If the price is more than 3000 yuan, you can deduct 300 yuan for exclusive purchase. The above vouchers are only used for the first purchase of the product, that is, they can only be enjoyed by users who have never paid for the product in Alibaba Cloud.

 Get the exclusive voucher for free

2. Low price ECS for new users

This promotional activity provides four ECS of different specifications. The configuration details and price discounts are as follows:

  • AliCloud shared n4 server, one core 2G1M only costs 0.6 yuan (87.12 yuan) per year, and the same discount can be renewed three times;
  • Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server, 2-core 2G5M only costs 0.83% of 99 yuan/year, and the current price is renewed three times;
  • The above is limited to one set.
  • The following is limited to 3 sets.
  • AliCloud ECS shared s6, 2-core 4G1M address 1.5 yuan/year, 301.44 yuan/year;
  • Alibaba Cloud ECS shared s6, 2-core 8G1M address 1.5 yuan/year, 416.64 yuan/year;

3. Exclusive suggestions for new users of ECS

We will provide exclusive vouchers for participating in this activity. We suggest that you get vouchers first, and then purchase ECS in the activity to enjoy a discount. In addition, in order to maximize the benefits of new users, choose an ECS model with a duration of three years, or purchase an ECS model with the same price and discount for three renewals, which will save a lot of fees and reduce the cost of cloud deployment compared with one year or two.

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Article name: AliCloud new users can enjoy a coupon for 1-core 2G ECS as low as 77 yuan/year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/26095.html
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