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AliCloud Shadowless Cloud Desktop vs. Virtual Desktop and Local Computer

AliCloud's shadowless cloud desktop is an easy-to-use, efficient and secure cloud desktop service launched by AliCloud, which helps enterprises quickly build a desktop office environment that can be efficiently managed, including secure and flexible office methods. AliCloud's shadowless cloud desktop is different from remote desktop and virtual desktop in many ways. Weisss Notebook www.vpss.net will introduce it in detail in this article.

AliCloud Shadowless Cloud Desktop vs. Virtual Desktop and Local Computer

AliCloud's shadowless cloud desktop adopts the form of Desktop as a Service (DaaS). The comparison with remote desktop and virtual desktop is as follows.

  • Cloud desktop services, anytime, anywhere access.
  • Data is stored in the cloud with high reliability and security.
  • Buy now, use now, be flexible and save costs.
  • Centralized management on the cloud, simple and efficient operation and maintenance.

Alibaba Cloud Shadowless Cloud Desktop Advantages

The advantages of Alibaba Cloud's shadowless cloud desktop are ease of use, security, efficiency, high performance and low cost.

  • Out of the box: There is no need to invest too much infrastructure in the early stage. You can buy it out of the cloud, pay as needed, and deploy the environment with one click.
  • Multi terminal access: It is not limited by time, place and device, and it can access the work desktop at any time and anywhere with a variety of clients.
  • Access security: security gateway access, isolation of external network and desktop VPC; Use RAM or AD for account security management, which can connect with enterprise authentication.
  • Data security: data is stored in the cloud; It supports multiple security policy management and control and highly reliable distributed storage, ensuring data security.
  • Centralized management: centralized management of resources on the cloud, providing image and snapshot capabilities, supporting security policies and audit functions, and easily maintaining a large number of desktops.
  • Integrated console: communicate with other AliCloud services and IT facilities on the intranet to efficiently implement and maintain the desktop office system.

Lao Wei suggested that everyone should choose the right one according to their own business situation Alibaba Cloud Shadowless Cloud Desktop Product Specifications And achieve high cost performance. If you do not know how to operate, please refer to Alibaba Cloud Shadowless Cloud Desktop User's Guide , create the user.

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Article name: AliCloud Shadowless Cloud Desktop vs. Virtual Desktop and Local Computer
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25980.html
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